Chapter 10: An Introduction in the Dark

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High King Azazel (pronounced A-zay-zel)

High King Azazel (pronounced A-zay-zel)

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Madame Dietra (Mad-ahm Dee-tra)


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I returned back to SilverHollow for less than a day in order to settle my affairs for my long absence. The villagers were glad to see me go, as much as they tried to hide it. I was just too much of an abnormality for them too see me as anything but a stranger. I made sure there was a caretaker for my small cottage and left to return to Brightton.

Brynn was a nervous wreck when I returned. It had barely been a few hours since I had left this morning after we received the news yesterday. Brynn paced back and forth, biting her nails, as she paced near the horse stables. Quickly dropping down from Millie, I went to Brynn roughly shook her.

Calm yourself.

Brynn regained a little of her composure and took her hands away from her mouth before she but them down to the nub. "I'm just very nervous to go there." She says, "I've never been to the Capital before."

You'll be fine. Do you have your things? We'll need to be on the road soon. I can tell you about the rules then.

If Brynn is surprised by my rushing us, she doesn't show it. "Yeah, I've got some villagers loading my trunks and your sparse bags on the carriage."


We make our way to the waiting carriage and it's coachman that we've paid for the two week journey. Millie and Brynn's horse, Flower, wait beside it. I will mostly be riding horseback and Brynn will stay in the carriage. To maintain appearances of two proper ladies, I will stay in the carriage when we get closer to the Capital Lands. Letting Brynn say her goodbyes to the villagers, I approach the horses pulling the carriage. Fine, well-cared for, animals stamp their feet, ready to be off.

Once Brynn is finished with her goodbyes, I help her into the carriage and mount Millie. The carriage jolts and we start on our way to the famed house of silver-tongued Fae. The Capital City court ruled by High King Azazel. A city I had promised myself I wouldn't return too.

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