Chapter 85: A Dagger in the Dark

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Thank You to @AnnaJackxx for all your support of A Song of Silence!! Every favorite, comment, and follow means the world to me!!

I stood stunned and staring at the dress that Azazel had commissioned for me as I contemplated what I would do. It would devastate Azazel if I left without a trace now. The fool loved me. Fully and truly loved me and I was lost on what to do about it. Did I love him back. Yes. Did I trust him that he would spend the rest of our lives trying to get me to say those words back to him. Yes. Did I believe I would ever truly be able to say those words back to him? I didn't know. What I knew though, was I had to go to the ball tonight. I had to try to get Azazel to postpone his proposal. Depending on when the Grand Assassin chose to duel me, I would either survive the encounter, or I wouldn't. And even if I did win the duel to the death with my father, I would become the next Grand Assassin. I wasn't familiar as I should be with court protocol, but the High King of Altreya does not marry the head of assassins. It's unheard of. Not that it would stop Azazel from trying, of course.

Sighing, I headed towards the bathroom to get ready for the ball. I quickly filled the tub with warm water and washed the dirt, blood, muck, and stink from my weekly travel from my body. A few oils added to the water and I smelled like roses. I desperately wished that I could sink into the water and fall asleep, but I had a ball to get ready for. I grabs myself out of the cooking water and dry myself off. The dress still stands displayed on the stand, regal as ever. How I would ever look like I belonged in such a dress, I had no idea. But I would certainly try.

The dress was surprisingly heavy and I had to call a maid in to tighten the corset. It seems I wouldn't be able to eat a the buffet table, let alone breathe at the ball today. The dress went easily, like soft silk, over my head. It felt luxurious and meant for a Queen. I was no Queen by any means, but I would certainly try to make myself worthy of this dress tonight. The dress was elegantly laced at the back. It was powder blue with a sweetheart neckline and lace sleeves at my shoulders. Lace decoration covered the bodice of the dress and decorated the length of the ballgown. The gown was elegant, and regal. It gave off an air of authority that I sure as hell didn't possess. Why Azazel thought I was worthy of such a work of art was beyond me, but it would have been a waste not to wear it when it had been specifically made for me.

Once my makeup had been applied and my hair had been elegantly and intricately weaved atop my head, did I turn and look at myself in the mirror. I looked like myself, yet something had changed. Like confidence oozed from my every pore now that this dress was worn by my figure. "A dress can change the outside dramatically, but it will never change what lies within," a voice echoed behind me.

I looked at my reflection in the mirror and saw the High Queen approach me from behind. She looked as regal as ever with her elegant dress and a crown perched on her coiffed hair. "Your Majesty," I say to her as I bow and lower my head slightly. Her eyes pinch in disapproval as she judges my blatant insult. As per her station, I should have bowed much lower and bent my knees at the waist, but I couldn't move in this dress, let alone bow to her and I was done being cowed by her volatile stare.

She comes closer to me and puts her hands on my shoulders. She meets my eyes through the reflection in the mirror, "Time is a ticking, little assassin. Now more than ever. I gave you two weeks and you are still here. Care to explain why?"

"It is the last day, Your Majesty. I still have few hours."

She scoffs, "A few hours to what? Frolic with my son and dance with him for just a few hours before I tell him what you have done. I doubt he will even want to look at you then."

I don't let my emotion show on my face, "A few hours to enjoy myself before my death at the hands of the Grand Assassin."

My words seems to giver be pause before she carefully asks, "Why would he be killing you, exactly?"

"Because I challenged him to a duel and he will set the terms soon enough. You'd needn't worry. I plan to persuade your son to hold off on his proposal or I will break his heart by tonight. Either was my death is guaranteed to be bloody and violent. Do not break his heart further than it will be broken tonight."

The High Queen mulls over my words before responding, "You have until tomorrow morning to be gone. I will tell him if you have not broken his heart or are gone by then." I nod and the High Queen stalks to my dresser and pulls open one of the drawers. Inside there is a false bottom that I was sure nobody knew about. It seems I was wrong because she pulls apart the false bottom of the drawer and pulls the bejeweled and embroidered knife sheathe that I had stashed there out. I open my mouth to ask how she knew about it, but she interrupts me, "I learned about all your secret hiding spots when I learned who you were." My mouth snaps shut with an audible snap. She smirks at my dumbfounded expression. She approaches me with the knife sheathe in hand a unsheathes the knife to twirl it around her fingers.

The dagger itself is much less ornate than the sheathe. It is simple, sturdy metal that I know I can count on. Any bejeweled weapon can only be used for ornamentation or decoration. It would never last in a fight and would break too easily from the delicate filigree on the dagger. The dagger is twirled around the High Queens finger with much more ease than I would like. She notices my unease and snaps the dagger back so it's point faces her and the hilt is laid from the palm of her hand to her forearm. I have no doubt she could quickly whip it out again, but it didn't seem that she was inclined to do so at the moment. "A strong weapon meant for everyday use sheathed in a masterpiece of leatherwork?" She asks, disapproval evident in her tone.

I shrug my shoulders, "I like pretty things and that dagger sheathe is the only one I've got. But pretty things are often not as practical or useful as they need to be. This was my compromise between the two."

"It looks to be mass produced." The High Queen stares with a grimace. Of course she would be put off by something somebody else would own.

"That's because it hasn't been cleaned since I arrived at the Capital city all those months ago. Here," I say as I walk to another drawer in my dresser and pull out an oiling cloth. Taking the knife from the High Queens grip, I polish the metal hilt of the dagger to help reveal the rare metal that lies below." Silverstone. A rare and good quality metal that is impossible to bend or break and beautiful to look at.

The High Queen takes the knife back and examines it once more, "So this is what you plan to duel the Grand Assassin with?"

I nod, "That or one of my other weapons depending on what he chooses we duel over,"

"What do you think it will be? She asks.

I shrug my shoulders once more, "Could be anything. All I know for certain is that he will make me regret even being born when I learn what he has chosen."

"Make him pay for it." The sudden change in her words makes my head snap up to meet her hawk-like gaze. My mouth pops open in surprise, but before I can respond, she marches out the door. What just happened?

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