Chapter 2 Explanation

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((A baby little rewrite since I didn't really like the original))
Everyone finished eating their Mac and cheese and piled (that doesn't look right) the bowls on top of each other. Then silence fell upon the students and you could cut the tension in the air with a knife it was so thick. A few moments passed until someone finally broke the silence.
"So I guess before we start explaining some stuff you didn't know happened, You have any questions?" Kat said breaking the silence and easing the tension in the air.

Shizu remembers a certain day "I have one, if you don't mind me asking this of course, the day you were passed out in front of the school along with Ronin and Database. What happened? If you're okay with saying"

"It's fine, That was a fight in Monarch Bank between Database Ronin Metica umm Krieg and Rain.. the fight that killed Database, I was there because I flew Ronin to the bank"

"but how come you were awake so late though" Kat asked

"I couldn't sleep and Ronin was patrolling that night, we spoke for a bit and then he heard the bank alarm go off"

"Where are those villains now Davis", Yuki questioned

"Uhh M-metica is dead. Rain and Krieg have disappeared" he stuttered

"Probably a good way to get into your story is how Metica died" Kat mentions

Davis froze. Was he actually about to tell his old roommates and someone who already didn't like him very much the fucking truth, yes he was, let's hope he doesn't regret this
"U-u-uh i-i-i u-u-um k-k-killed h-h-him" Davis struggled to get out. Silence fell upon the students once again.

Rikku Shizu and Yuki looked at him in shock.
Rikku stood up and looked angry and ready to use her quirk and she was about to but Yuki and Kat stopped her. But Shizu looked afraid and thought to their self
*what if he did that to me, he wouldn't do that to his friend.. right? Maybe Rikku is right not to trust him. What am I saying.....? he wouldn't do that I saw how much he regretted that day*.
But they don't know the real reason he did it yet.
Kat pipes up " You might wanna start from THAT night since the tension is building"

"R-right" Davis really didn't want to, but it's for the best, he thinks it was anyway. Kat looks at the three angry, confused and scared teens then says " you might wanna strap in for this"

Rikku sits back down and is ready to use her quirk to protect her friends from Him. Davis  leans his back against the nearest wall to where they're sitting. Davis starts "It started when I was 5( I don't know the actual age he was dont come for me), it was around 2am and all I could hear was my parents arguing, then all the shouting had suddenly ended and I went to check on my mother, I found her dead on her bed. Umm-"

Yuki Whispers "I can't believe he had to go through that at such a young age"

Kat Whispers "that's not even the worst part yet"

Davis continued, "Metica also known as Manolo broke into my dorm and stole my phone and my laptop to get to my grandparents. He kidnapped me an-"

Davis froze while tears came to his eyes and leaked out from under is visor with all those memories coming back to him. It's not fun or easy to revisit trauma. Luckily none of them could see his tears leaking from his visor yet but Kat noticed him freeze and stands up next to him to continue for him since he looks like he needs it ,"Metica kidnapped him strapped him to a generator and tortured him. Then he even kidnapped me"

Davis covered his face with a hand trying to wipe away the tears with the other but they just wouldn't stop. The others had finally noticed and realized why Davis had frozen. Yuki was kind of surprised Davis wasn't one to show his emotions to anyone. He preferred to be distant with people, even Ronin and those two had a special kind of bond Ronin did have with other students.

Kat continues " uhh after that Metica breaks into my home again. Me and Davis speak to him while Davis holds up against a wall with his telekinesis"

Davis finally gets the tears to stop for a second and says " He admits to being my father and killing my mother that night, I guess that was kinda the tipping point" He only managed to get that out before tears came streaming down his face once again. The three are shocked and a look of worry fills their face.

Kat remembered to remind them "This was after the whole Monarch Bank Heist. After the death of Database. Davis killed Manolo for killing Database and his mother. Come to think of it he's kinda an orphan." She gets a glare from Yuki "sorry not the time"

Davis looks down as he takes off his visor. O.O and holds it in his shaky, scarred hand.

His shimmering dark blue eyes were filled with tears as even more streamed down his face.
Silence filled the room again as they saw his eyes for the first time without his quirk doing anything.

"Oh yeah I forget to mention the part where Davis purposely suppresses his mind control quirk so he isn't anything like his dad but he still avoids eye contact with people just incase" Kat quickly adds while she looks into Davis' shimmering eyes

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"Oh yeah I forget to mention the part where Davis purposely suppresses his mind control quirk so he isn't anything like his dad but he still avoids eye contact with people just incase" Kat quickly adds while she looks into Davis' shimmering eyes

That silence was broken when Davis' ringtone went off. It was Ronin. But what could Ronin possibly want??

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