Chapter 51 Goodbye...

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(Warning: Swearing)

Shino and Davis sat on the beds talking and waiting for Venus to come back

"Have you seen Manolo since he backed out, or even Kat for that matter"


"We should probably go find them after we've been discharged."

-a few hours passed, Venus finally came back-

"Hello boys as soon I finish checking you two your free"

-venus finished and the boys left, they decided to go see Kat then find Metica-

Shino knocked on the dorm door. Rikku answered it.

"Hello again Shino. Davis-senpai"

"Hey Rikku is Kat here"

"Yeah she's in her room, you can come in"

"Thanks" Rikku stepped out of the way and Shino and Davis entered the dorm. Rikku then closed the door

"Hey Davis-senpai, Shino how are you"

"We're doing fine".

"Who you looking for? Yuki isn't here at the moment"

"That's fine Shizu were looking for Kat"


"We haven't seen her for a while, just wondering if she's okay"

"I'm pretty sure she's in her room, I can go get her for you if you want"

"That would be appreciated Shizu"

"Okay gimme a moment" Shizu walked down stairs and knocked on Kat's door. She opened it and followed Shizu upstairs.

"Here she is"

"Oh Kat it's good to see you're okay"

"Shino.. Davis..."

"H-h-hey Kat"

"Is it okay if we talk to you alone Kat"

"We can talk in my room"

Shizu sat on the sofa and Rikku sat next to her. Davis and Shino followed Kat down the stairs to her room. They made sure to close the door.

-in Kat's room-

"So did you actually end up going through with the plan of yours"

"You remember. Thank god"

"W-w-well y-y-yeah w-we d-did"

"What do you mean I remember"

"Shizu Rikku Clover and Artemis' memories of Davis after he graduated have been erased"

"Everything that's happened to him after that day just doesn't exist anymore....?"

"P-p-pretty m-much"

"And in their mind Kol was the only one who hurt Shizu and Clover. Davis has an excuse to miss it apparently"

"Wow a lot has happened since I backed out. Just to let you know, I'm not mad that guys killed, but teaming up with Metica is a bad idea in itself"

"H-h-he b-b-backed o-o-out"

"Metica kinda backed out of the plan after an  argument between Davis and him and me"

"Okay well is there anyone else you need to kill, I'd be down to help this time."

"Ellen and this new guy are still on the table, everyone else is gone"

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