Chapter 62 Recovery.

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(trigger Warning: Swearing, Corrupt Cops)

Davis woke up first this time, it was pretty early. It was still dark out, the sun hasn't even come up yet. He wanted to sit up but he couldn't, why did his body feel so weak. He doesn't remember much that happened yesterday just that he was arrested, Ronin rescued him and he passed out, everything before after and in-between was fuzzy. Davis held his throat rubbing his fingers across it, why was his throat sore. Ronin woke up and few minutes after he did.

"hey kiddo" he spoke softly and quietly.

Davis opened his mouth to respond but nothing came out. He slowly started to sit up to face Ronin, but Ronin pushed him back down.

"Don't do that. Your injured"

"..." Davis wanted to know what happened in the memories that were fuzzy or specifically blocked out but he just couldn't talk.

"I guess you're wondering what happened last night"

Davis nodded slightly, it still hurt to move.

"You got arrested and Interrogated in a rough way"

*I got electrocuted again...that's why my body feels so weak..* That triggered a memory from him, not the best one to be reminded of first but oh well.

"I let it happen to you again, I'm so sorry Davis"

*No It Wasn't. Fuck why can't I speak!* Davis internally shouted at himself.

"The majority of the cops in this city are corrupt, theyre unfair, I'm sorry you had to go through that again"

Davis slowly started to sit up again and this time succeeded, he held his upper arm, around where he got shot. Again.

"You got shot again.. It damaged a part of your muscle so even years after those heal, you'll still be very shaky.." (I don't know if that can actually happen but for the sake of plot it can).

"you can't speak because you were being electrocuted on the maximum and you screamed to let me know where you were, you'll be fine soon"

Davis scooched (slid) over next to Ronin, let his feet hang off the sofa (couch) and rested his head on Ronins shoulder.

"Once you get your voice back, I'll talk to you about Manolos suggestion okay, we- I keep avoiding it"

"Venus is coming over to check up on that wound and Kowalski and I are trying to get the charges dropped"

+Knock Knock+

"That should be them"

Davis wanted to get out his phone, but his body was still felt so weak, he could hardly move. Ronin got up and walked to the door, opened it and led the two teachers inside.

"Hey Davis, I'm just gonna check your bandages k"

Davis nodded

"Why does he have so many bandages Ronin" Venus questioned looking to Ronin.

"sh incident" Ronin answers in a quiet tone
Venus looked back to Davis with a sympathetic look. He unwrapped all of Davis injuries and rewrapped them in new clean bandages.

"What did Mr Soul do to him" Kowalski asked in his usual stern voice but this time his tone was laced with some genuine concern.

"Let's just say his Interrogation methods that went too far"

"He was electrocuted again wasn't he, based in the fact that he can speak, and his body being incredibly weak that he can't currently move"

"Yeah Mr Soul electrocuted him on maximum until we broke down the door."

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