Chapter 21 More Working

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Ronin had gone off on patrol to avoid Davis just long enough so he could have a clear enough mind after what he saw.

Davis was working in the Bakery today and straight after he had a shift at the maid cafe so he was just wearing his maid outfit casually in the Bakery.

"Hiii can I get two cinnamon rolls and two hmm Almond croissants please"

"Of course one second" Kat was helping him today, she already had detention or cram class so she might as well skip school to help Davis in the Bakery. Kat had an alternative motive though -talk to Davis about the nightmare but be subtle like don't mention it was a nightmare-

Davis bagged two fresh cinnamon rolls and two fresh almond croissants in a bag

"That'll be 4.30 Cash Card or Phone"

"Cash please darling" they gave Kat a fiver
"You can keep the change darling"

"Have a good day ma'am"

"Hey Davis can I ask you something"


"You know I would never betray you right. You know I know that you love me, I would never ever allow you to have the same fate at um Manolo you know that right" Kat rambled on

"I-i-i-i-i-i-i-is something w-wrong"

"Nonononono everything is fine, I just wanted to let you know you know, we haven't really had time to ourselves recently"

"R-ronin said s-some stuff to m-me last n-night like he s-s-said had a n-n-nightmare about l-losing me and that S-s-s-sarah loved me more than a-a-anything in the w-w-world and at one point so did M-m-m-manolo.."

"He's right you know. Losing you is the worst nightmare for someone who loves you could have and your parents loved you so much, they would cry if they saw you die in front of them"

"Next please?"

"H-h-how about a d-d-date, a f-few days or a week from now, we c-can c-concentrate on us"

Kat blushed "y-y-yeah I would love that"

A few more people showed up then it was time to close Kat went back to her dorm excited and Davis went to the Maid Café.

When he got there no one was in yet so he opened the café and set all the chairs down.


"H-h-h-hey L-l-leander, same as Y-y-y-yesterday"

"Uhh no, just two large black coffees instead please"

"A-a-alright that'll be 5.45, C-cash, c-card or p-phone"

"Cash again child" Leander hands him 6.00 again then says "keep the change, I hate having loose change in my pockets"

"Of course you do, w-w-wait at the c-c-collection c-counter to the right those c-coffees will be right out"

"Thank you" Leander left the counter and waited for the coffees.

Then Clover Artemis and Shizu walked in. Clover looked shocked but happy kind of shocked that he used the key they gave him.
Davis made the two large black coffees and put them on the collection counter.


"Thank you again Davis"

"Uh huh, H-hey Clover, Shizu, Artemis"
Davis walked back over to the normal counter
"Lemme take this off your hands Davis"

"T-t-thank fuck C-clover"

"You really don't like Leander do you?"

"That was Leander, he looks scary like a lawyer" Artemis says going into the back to change.

"I swear he is a lawyer?" Shizu asks as they come out dressing in their maid outfit

"H-he is, something to do with his quirk I g-guess"

"You alright Davis Senpai? the spark or the colour from your eyes aren't fading away or anything right?"

"I'm f-fine, w-what h-happened? kat said something similar"

Artemis walked out in his maid outfit.
Clover Shizu and Artemis dipped their heads when Ronin and Avian walked in.

"Have anyone of you specifically Davis seen Kat, she's about to get 15 tickets for skipping school"

"You can get 15 tickets for that....?" Clover said intrigued.

"Nono you can't, Avian just being dramatic but seriously have you seen her"

"No maximum you can get for skipping school is 10"

"Can't say we have sorry Avian" Artemis said with Clover and Shizu nodding their heads in agreement.

"C-check her dorm"

"Thanks. sorry you had snitch in your girlfriend Davis" Avian flew off into the direction of Kat's dorm.

"S-she was h-helping me in the b-bakery earlier, r-rambling on with s-similar s-stuff Shizu was a-asking about"

"Let's just say we all had the same nightmare where you were ripped in half by Kat and we were forced to watch, also your parents and Rain were also forced to watch" Clover just flat out and explained

"O-oh, s-so that's w-why you're a-asking what you d-did"

"Also does anyone know that you're an orphan" Artemis pointed out.

"I do" Ronin said sitting behind them
"It's why I adopted him"

Davis buried his head in embarrassment he turned redder than a fucking tomato. lol. He calmed down after a few seconds

"Awwww, sorry to hear about your parents though Davis"

"His father killed his mother so he killed his father" Shizu said flatly

"Just to let you know we're gonna have a new student in my cram class, some shit about social anxiety or something, it's the only class they're taking in the Academy"

"If you wanna meet them you can show up in my class only this once okay"

"C-can I skip it then"

"No. Davis, If I go you go"

Davis rolled his eyes under his visor
"Don't you roll your eyes at me"
Clover giggled

Ronin checks the time on his phone
"Clover Davis let's go to cram class, it starts in a few minutes"

"May I come"

"You sure?"

"Yes please"

Davis Clover and Artemis change into their normal clothes / uniforms. Shizu goes back to their dorm.

"Fine. Let's get going, you four lock up and let's go"
Davis locks up this time and they get going to Cram Classroom 2.

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