Chapter 14 The Footage

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-in his office-

Avian plugs in the USB into the computer that hes logged into.

"Which incident first then" Avian awkwardly asks

"The most recent one"

Avian clicked on the video and it played.
It showed everything that happened. Kat didn't actually know what Rain did to Davis exactly (she was there but unconscious).

Ronin Avian and Kat watched the whole tape with sound (that made it worse)

"F-f-fuck i-i-it"


"K-k-kat please b-be okay"

"Kat please"

They were speechless while watching it, then it ended and they were frozen.

Davis sounded like he was in so much pain because he really was.

"ARGHH" Davis' pain in that scream was the only thing ringing in Ronins head until the anger. It reminded Ronin of Database's screams that faithful and unfortunately day that he was killed.

Ronin quirk activated again and anger took over. Avian noticed this luckily and shielded Kat and himself with his wings



The window behind the desk in Kowalski's office was now shattered.


Ronin deactivated his quirk once again and buried the remaining anger. But for how long could he bury it for.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry did you get hurt?"

"Luckily we didn't" Avian said as tucked his wings back smaller again,
"I know that look Ronin, he isn't gonna get away with this"

"I know he won't but Davis should have flown the other way, called a hero instead of going in there, Rain is crazy and has no morals he doesn't care who he hurts, he definitely doesn't give a fuck about age"

Kat looked down feeling kind of guilty. She should've stopped Davis before they started that fight.

Ronin saw that guilty look in Kat's eyes, he knows that look all too well,
"but I'm still proud that the both of you got out of there when you did and didn't end up dead"

That made Kat feel a little better. She reminded Avian "what about the other tapes"

Avian closes that video and opens the one of the other ones he had been able to find.
It plays.

Ronin already knew the outline of what happened but he didn't realize it was this bad.
(from like 24:52)
The three stared at the video and Ronins anger only grew seeing what Metica does and says to Davis
"A quick smack will wake him up"


They could hear the pain and struggle in Davis' voice

"What does that guy do to Davis" Avian asks

"Electrocutes him using a generator" Kat hesitantly responds


"I understand it's probably hard to focus with how much juice is pumping into your system"

"Could crank it up a bit"

Ronin was now clenching the desk and pure rage. Avian has never seen him like this before

"W-w-w-wait n-n-n-no" Davis sounds so weak, so afraid.

"You're a coward, useless that's what you are"

"We are going to see how much your body can take"

Kat is physically scared for Davis and tears appear in her eyes, Ronin's anger only grows and Avain knows no one can stop his anger.
N-n-n-no w-w-wait please don't stop, S-stop"

Kat mumbles to her self " I've never seen Davis so afraid before"

Kat mumbles to her self " I've never seen Davis so afraid before"

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((credit to Damien_candle for Davis' thumbnail))

"ARGHHHHHH" They can hear Davis' pain in that scream amounts to so much, this isn't something a 19 year old should go through
no fuck that its something no one should ever go through.

"It hurts so much" Davis is struggling so much with all that electricity pumping through him.

"200 watts"

"There is something wrong with this mother fucker" Avian points out, and Avian never swears so he's clearly pissed but no where near as pissed as his friend Ronin

"I can show you what true pain means"

Metica continues to torture him as he begs for him to stop

"Tell me one reason I should" Metica wanted information but Davis won't tell him.

"For Sarah"

"Who's Sarah?" Avain asks

"His mother, he never really ever talks about her"


Ronin was trying to keep in his anger for a little longer but fuck it was hard.

"Fuck, how do you know her name"

"You mother was a great person, I will say that much"

Davis is visually shaking probably in fear and how much electricity is pumping into his system during this whole interaction.

Then they hear voices and so does Metica obviously he tells Davis- well he threatens Davis to shut up

Shino Kol and Kat arrive.
Metica shoots Kat, but she has a protective chest piece that soliders use sometimes. That video ends. Avian opens one of the last ones, the camera for outside that warehouse.

Metica basically beats the living shit out of Shino and Kol and runs off into the night without a trace.

"This son of bitch" Ronin quirk was activated again and no one knows what he's gonna do so Avian shield Kat with his wing while he switches to the last video he found, it's back inside the warehouse

Ronin and Avian sees that All four of these students are clearly injured. Ronin sees that specifically Davis and Shino are barely able to stand.

Shino and Kol leave the warehouse one way and Kat and Davis leave the warehouse another way

Then static.
Thats where the video ends, it's just TV static.
Ronin punches multiple holes in the wall then jumps out of the window he smashed and runs back to Davis. Avian takes USB out and puts it in his pocket, then he leaves a note for Kowalski saying 'Sorry, It was Ronin, Scold us later- Avian'

Kat and Avian follow him a little far behind just in case

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