Chapter 49 Time for Action.

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(trigger warning: Angst. Death Swearing. It's kinda long)

Kol looked out the window and saw Davis land. He walked into the garden.

"You just missed Kowalski. Why are you here. Do your grandparents know"

"N-n-n-n-no, n-n-n-n-never m-m-m-made i-i-i-i-it"

"How did you even get out of it?"

"N-n-n-n-no t-t-time" Davis grabbed Kol and flew straight up and far away.

"Where are we going. Do you even know"
"H-h-h-have a-a-a-an i-i-i-idea"

Davis flies him and Kol to the dockyard and lands on the docks.

"You know where we are? I'm guessing" Kol asked looking around.


"So are we gonna save the rest of the gang"

"I-i-i-i a-a-am. Y-y-y-you s-s-stay h-h-here"

"Makes sense, I just have to wait around here for you to come back with the gang." Kol said sitting on the dock dangling his legs above the water.

"P-p-pretty m-much. S-s-stay h-h-hidden t-t-t-though"

"Fine. Just don't take your time bringing them here if you can"

Davis nodded and thrusted himself back into the air and flew off back towards the city.
Davis landed on the balcony of Shino's dorm softly being as quiet as he can be. Shino came out of his room and saw him. He tilted his head confused.

"What are you doing here?" Shino whispered.
Davis held out his hand for Shino to take.

"Uhh okay" Shino takes his hand not expecting to be flown into the air. Davis flies back to the docks and lands next to Kol.

"I don't get it. what's going on"

"The plan's back on. Davis is rescuing the gang and bringing them here"

"Nice. you sure you don't need help Davis"

"C-c-cant r-r-risk y-you g-g-getting c-c-caught"
Davis flew off again.

"He's doing it one by one isn't the best statergy"
"Yeah but he can over exert his quirk. he doesn't wanna pass out"


-with Davis-

Davis landed softly on Flex's balcony. Ana and Flex were already on the balcony talking when he landed.

"Davis what are you doing here"

Davis didn't say a word he just held out his hand for Flex. Flex took it without much hesitation and Ana held his hand. Davis took them both up into the sky and flew back to the docks. He landed and Ana landed fine but Flex lost his Lance. He quickly regained it.

"Hey Ana"

"K-kol!" Ana ran into Kol for a hug.

"So what's goin-" Before Flex could finish his question Davis was already flying off again


"He has to get Colin Rain and Manolo then we can explain"

About 15 minutes later Davis comes back with Rain Manolo and Colin out of breath.

"Why did you carry three people at once, that can't be good"

"A-a-avian a-s-saw m-m-me I-i-i-i-i h-had t-to h-h-hurry"

"He saw your visors and knew it was you". Manolo complained. he mumbled "idiot".

"Anyway what was your plan here Davis, everyone is pretty confused"

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