Chapter 58 More Nightmares

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(Trigger Warning: Angst! Self Harm Blood You've been warned. Read at your own risk)
-with Davis-

Davis woke up a few hours after Ronin left. He walked out of his room and found the note Ronin left for him. He picked it up and read it.

It reads, "Hey Kiddo, I've got to work, school is back in session. Stay inside and stay hidden just in case. I'll be home soon...we have a few things to discuss later. son, you're not in trouble and you are a hero.-Ronin aka Dad"

(read the next bit at your own risk Trigger Warning)(you've been warned!)

He dropped it and let it slowly float back on to the table and took a chance while he was home alone. He went back into the bathroom and searched in his hiding place for the old sharpener blade. He rolled up his trouser leg and slit a few across one of his legs. Davis undid the bandages in both of his arms and slit both of them then just enough that they started to bleed again. He cut and opened a couple of old scars then he washed it and rehid it where he did. Ronin hasn't found it yet so there's no reason to change his hiding place. Davis rolled his trouser leg back down and walked out of the bathroom and sat on the sofa (couch).
He sighed and turned on the TV to a random channel and let whatever play in the background of his thoughts. He moved his hair to hide most of his face.

Then his phone rang. He picked it up to hear Betty's voice. He muted the TV.

Betty: Hey baby how have you been recently? It's been a long time since you've called.
Davis: s-sorry Betty I've been busy with work and stuff
Betty: Has Ronin been taking good care of you
Davis: y-yeah
Betty: Hopefully he's been protecting you like he promised.
Davis: He has, don't worry Betty
Harold in the background: See I told you so, Betty that Ronin fella is a hero afterall.
Betty: that reminds me baby, how is your hero work getting on, it's going fine I hope.
Davis: y-yeah it's been fine, The Bakery is doing well too just thought you wanted to know.
Betty: well I am happy to hear that, I hope you're not spending all your time working
Davis: i-im not. I spend a lot of spare time with friends and of course Kat
Betty: how is Kat by the way Davis, apparently her father's back in town.
Davis: yeah she's been fine, she and her father talked and I think they've been in good terms
Harold in the background: ask him about manolo..
Betty: alright alright. So how have you been since you know you..killed Manolo
Davis: it's been fine if I'm being honest. I visited his grave once a while ago. He's buried next to S-sarah
Betty: No matter how much I hate that damn man. He did love your mother baby
Davis: I miss her...
Betty: oh I know baby I do too. Oh I'm sorry I've gotta get going now, we have a bingo game to get to. I love you honey.
Davis: I love you too grandma and tell grandpa I love him too.
Betty: of course honey
Betty hung up.

*I guess I should probably eat something* he thought to himself as he stood up and slightly limped(why does that not look right) into the kitchen. His voices got louder. They kept lying to him.
Davis was hungry but he listened to the devil on his shoulder instead of the angel. He decided to just pass the time by watching whatever's on TV.

He soon fell asleep watching a random TV channel. His dream soon turned into a nightmare. Random moments of memories resurfaced. They didn't even appear in order they were just so random. The sound from the TV faded out until it was silenced

"Why the fuck did I find a fucking bloody razor blade in your bottom draw"

"But it still doesn't justify why he broke your bones Shizu"
He turns Shizu into a pretzel and has to listen to Database lecturing him in detention until Angelo pulls the gun out on him then it restarts and repeats

"A quick smack will wake him up"
"I can show you what true pain means"
"You're a coward, useless that's what you are"
"We are going to see how much your body can take"
"N-n-n-no w-w-wait please don't stop, S-stop"

"Kat please b-be okay"

"you're barely old enough. You're still meant to be in school. You're not even old enough to drink"

"There are two ghosts in this room, they seem to stay near the Red Visor Mute Kid. Saying the names Manolo and Sarah. They sure like to argue about Red Visors over there"
Davis held Ellen up by the neck.
"Davis put her down! DAVIS PUT HER DOWN?!!"
"Davis.. Stay behind me. NOW."

"So this is the lovely Davis Ramirez son of Sarah and Manolo Ramirez that I've heard so much about"

"Steve said 'The Ramirez Family were all villains and should be dead or in a high security prison'."


"I-i-i-i-im sorry for w-w-w-wasting your t-t-t-time"

"You know he's half of you and-"
"Half of Sa..rah..."

It was never meant to be
"I don't matter, Rain. I never did. I'm a burden to everyone I meet, even you"

Davis was being dragged away by two completely cloaked figures, one had a gun to his head.


"Tie him to a generator and shock him all day all night"

Majos three henchmen beat the shit out of him. His blood stained the floor and the walls


"*Bang* *Bang* *Splat*

"Did you forget what I did to you Davis!"

"You're no better than Metica"

"You're acting like Metica"

W-w-why d-d-do y-y-you I-insist on m-m-making e-e-everyone hate y-you"

"I wish I could give a fuck about what you're saying. But I don't need you mad at me when I abandon you again"

"Get out of here you fucking disappointment!"

"A-am I a-a h-hero.....?"

Davis woke up in a cold sweat. His heart was racing, he soon calmed down a bit when he realised where he was. He was fine, it was just a dream. A couple bad memories right. Right?. The sound of the TV faded back in.

"Hey Davis! I'm home"

Davis' heart was still racing trying to forget everything that just resurfaced in his mind.
*Manolo promised to find me but he never did, why do I even still stick around...*

"Hey Davis...are you okay, you look like you just saw a ghost."


"Oh, you wanna talk about it"

"Just a bunch of memories"

Davis sat up and wrapped his arms in his knees, his knees hit his chest

"Can I sit next to you?"

Davis nodded and Ronin sat next to him on the sofa.
Ronin could hear his heart beating fast still so he spoke softly, "It's okay you're okay, get your thoughts together kid, you're alright you'll be just fine."

They turned towards one another to face each other. Ronin let his kid clench to his shirt with his head kind of half nuzzled into it. "You're alright, you're safe" Ronin gently whispered.

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