Chapter 74 A Great Escape and Plans

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((Creative Block's a bitch aint it. I have so much art homework to do but imma do this instead since the ideas for this are flowing again))- Author

He entered the office and glanced at Flynn's worried face before going in and closing the door behind him. Ronin and Kreig stayed on either side of the door outside.

"You wanted to see me.."

"Yes. Thank you for coming"

*It's not like a had a choice in this..*

"According to Ronin you had a theory of who's behind all of this but now you're able to confirm it?"

"Yes Sir"

"Well then let's hear it"

Davis took a deep breath in and out and began to explain
"Basically the theory was it might've been Ellen's Grandparents and recently it was confirmed."

"How so?"

"I received another email from a person that had thrown a brick through my window, they gave me coords for something"

"Where did they lead? Assuming you followed"

"They led to the abandoned train station, inside there were two people talking about one of their boss's plans"

"Which was?"

"They plan to set fires to the academy in different areas and basically to let it get big and basically engulf the entire school"

"Did these people say their bosses names, you still haven't proved to me that it was indeed Ellen's grandparents"

"They mentioned the names Mr and Mrs Major. Ellen's surname. And her parents aren't alive anymore"

"I see. I understand. Thank you for telling me this Davis, this will really help."

Flynn Ronin and Kreig burst into the room, holding the door closed.

"The parents are getting restless" Ronin said

"They just get angrier and angrier" Flynn said nervously.

"Alright alright, Ronin you are a professional at smashing things that aren't yours, you have permission to smash the window behind me and get Davis to a safer place"

"With pleasure" Ronin walked up to the window, paused for a second. He began building up all of his buried anger and bringing it back to the surface. He punched the glass and it shattered, then tapped it so it fell out of place. Luckily it flew out the way instead of in.

"Let's go now before the parents realise"

"What about those other two students, what were their names" Kreig mentioned.

"Rikku and Artemis" Davis responded.

"They'll be brought back to their dorms by Moodswing"

The group walked up to the window. Ronin jumped out of the window first then Kreig then Davis and lastly Flynn.

As soon as they had all left school grounds, Kowalski opened his door and walked out of his office and immediately every single parent started to shout in his face. Kowalski tried to calm them down but it failed so he just waited until they ran out of things to shout at him about. One common theme they were shouting about was Davis. And something about letting them kill him for their kids returned safely. The rest of it however was incoherent.

-with Ronin and the others-

Theyre near the dorms where the road splits. They haven't decided on where they're gonna go yet. They can't go to the bakery. The dorms are on lockdown. Again. Plus the parents might just hunt them down if they go there.

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