Chapter 92 New Adventure Begins

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(my motivation lives even though this fandom sort of died and I'm taking a very long break from it because I don't want to admit I've left it just yet.)-Author<3(P.S: Thanks For Coming Back To This Fanfic If You Did!)

It was early morning and Davis was already awake. Ronin as per usual wasn't home. Kat was still asleep so he had to go wake her up but he had to be careful, if you wake her up wrong she'll be in a bad mood. All their clothes were in boxes that the moving company had already shipped. All they had was a spare outfit and their small handheld devices. They only need hand luggage. But before all that they had like half an hour to spare, to eat and change and wait for a taxi.

Davis made him and Kat a cup of coffee to hopefully keep them awake for hopefully for this whole process and flight too. Kat could smell the coffee from her room and woke up to it. What a good way to wake up.

"Morning Kitty" Davis passed her a nice cup of coffee.

"Morning Davi" Kat quickly down the cup of coffee although it was hot. "How much time we got until the taxi arrives?"

"Enough to get dressed and lug the suitcases out the door"

Kat quickly finished her coffee and went to get changed and Davis did the same.

To their surprise Flex was outside. The taxi pulled up and started putting the suitcases and hand luggage bags into the boot/trunk of the car with the help of Kat.

"You alright Flex?"

"Can I come to the airport with you, please?"

"How are you gonna get back"

"I have someone to follow us on a motorcycle to get me back.."

"Sure. As long as you're able to get back"

+At the airport, after they got all their luggage checked in and boarding passes printed.+

"It seems as though this is where we have to part Flex" Kat said while Davis went to check what gate and what time their flight was.

"Thanks for letting me come along. I don't like goodbyes... Don't forget me!"

"I won't. Neither of us will"

Davis came back with the gate and time in mind.

"Remember me yeah, Davis"

"Of course. It's not like you're hard to forget"

"One last hug?" Flex said just before he turned into Ronin.

"Why are you Ronin?"

"Old times sake."

David hugged Flex as Ronin, before Davis let go, he turned back into himself and held on a little longer. One for Ronin, one for him. Kat hugged him too. Flex said farewells to them both then headed outside to find his ride back home.

"What gate are we?"

"23 A" (that can probably exist)

"Well adventure awaits." Kat started to head towards the signs that said 'Gates'. Davis watched as Flex left before catching up with her.

+With Ronin+

Ronin was running through the airport in his hero outfit, running past and accidentally ignoring a bunch of fans. He was trying to catch up with Davis but the airport was too busy to get even remotely close enough where he'll hear him scream his name. He slipped past security and screamed for Davis who was sitting in a waiting area while Kat was buying food for the plane. Davis was just on his phone, scrolling through and replying to the mass amounts of messages from all his friends. His phone was blowing up so much he had to put it on silent. He found himself in this place where he kept coming back to Ronin's name in his messaging app.

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