Chapter 73 Sidetracked..

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(I can add images again :D- Author)
((credit to Tangerine on YT))

Davis arrived back at monarch academy, he flew to the roof, and back downstairs to cram classroom 2.

"Where the hell have you been?!" Rikku asked shouting. Artemis and Rikku went to the staffroom and told Kowalski what was going on, then he told them to come straight back here and wait for Ronin to return with Davis, he doesn't actually know Kreig is on school grounds.

"In the toilet, the lock got stuck so I couldn't get out" Davis scratched the back of his head as he lied right to their faces. Again.

"Oh that's unlucky. Ronin and Kreig have gone looking for you out in the city." Artemis said.

"I'll call Ronin, let him know I'm back I guess"

"Good idea, Kowalski put the dorms on lockdown, no one can leave, they can only get food and groceries delivered" Artemis explained.

Davis called Ronin, he stayed at the back of the classroom to do it.

Ronin: Where. Are. You?!. the cram classroom...
Kreig in the background: I will never understand how this kid can piss him off AND STILL keep his life.
Ronin: Where. Did. You. Go?!
Davis:....toilet. the lock got stuck and I couldn't get out. Are you mad?!
Ronin: .....
Davis: dad can you please stay something...
Ronin: I'm on my way back, when we get there I want the truth.
Davis:...but that is the truth...
Ronin: bullshit.

Ronin hung up. Davis sighed.

-with Ronin and Kreig-

On the other side of the line Ronin heavily sighed.

"He may be an idiot at times Kreig, but he's my idiot"

"So we're going back to the academy now"


-with the students-

"There, he knows and theyre in the way back here"

"Thank you"

"Hey Davis..."


"I know this is kind of a weird question but you remember at Jack's birthday party, when we played never have I ever?" Rikku started, burying her anger for him for the moment.

"Yeah why?" Davis walked to the front of the room, and leaned again Ronins desk.
"Remember when Flex said 'Never Have I Ever Felt Safe Inside My Own Home'..?"


"And You and Flex didn't jump. But everyone saw that Flex didn't jump, and no one saw you didn't either"

"Is there a question in here somewhere?"

"My question is why didn't you jump?, there's a lot we don't know about you"

"That's intentional" Davis muttered, he wasn't really that bothered by Evan lying about fixing their memoirs much anymore, since he kinda works in his favour. They don't remember the shit he regrets telling them. He's still slightly angry at him since he lied about it, and somehow kept it away from Kane.

"You don't need to worry about that. It was nothing" Davis answered trying to get her to give up on this. It was in the past, it didn't need to be brought up again.

"It's not that deep, you can just tell us, nobody else is even here..."

"Davis.." Ronin swung the door open. Again. This door is gonna be knocked off its hinges by the end of the day.

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