Chapter 31 Will The Truth Come Out

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With Avian

*Wait shoot I should text Ronin* he thinks to himself after releasing he forgot something.

Avian: Shoot I forgot to say something Ronin
Ronin: oh no
Avian: You said that at 16 and 17 Davis is mute right
Ronin: yeah I did
Avain: well if we hold him down for questions when he's back to normal, shouldn't we wait for the next time we age in him then he'll be able to talk and we can actually get info
Ronin: but I only just aged him up, that would mean we would have to delay this plan for a hours
Avain: I mean we can still get everyone on board with it until it's time to age him up, then when he remembers what happened we can hold him down for questions
Ronin: alright we'll delay our plan, You still need to get Gloria on board. I'll get Kane and Shizu
Avian: okay thanks that actually eased my mind
Ronin: well Ive got a go get these two student on board meet up later to discuss tactics I guess??
Ronin: cool also can you get your lover please finding Davis is gonna be hard if he doesn't want to be found
Avian: i would love to. Okay I'm off to Gloria's I hope Yuki's there still
Ronin: she should be I don't know though
Ronin is offline
Avian is offline

Avian heads over to Gloria's house hoping Yuki's still there and if she is there's a chance she can back him up

+Knock Knock+
Gloria opens the door,"Yes What do you need"

"I need to speak with you on an important matter"

"Fine Come in take a seat"

"Thank you ma'am"

Avain sits across from Kol Gloria and Yuki (Pistachio is in his room playing)

"Well I'm here to ask for your help in a serious matter"

"What's the serious matter and what's your name?"

"Ah my sincerest apologies my name is Avian my teach class 1b which Yuki is in actually"

"Yuki sweetie honey, is this your teacher?"

"One of them yeah. He's the one that always breaks windows"

"Oh it's him okay Nice to meet you Avain my name is Gloria you may call me that"

"Thank you Gloria and back to the important matter at hand, I believe you seem to be both mentally and physically strong considering what I've seen in the past and what Kowalski shares with me" Avain shuddered, he wished Kowalski didnt share some of those details

"Yes of course what actually is the matter"

"We suspect that a student with very powerful quirks is causing harm to oneself"

"Which student would this be if you don't mind me asking"

"I don't mind at all I don't believe you've heard of a student called Davis Ramirez by chance"

"Wait wait wait what sorry to interrupt but you're assuming Davis is self harming"

"We have evidence Yuki, I'm only here to ask for help"

"What kind of help would you be requiring"

"I need you plus a friend of mine who's very strong with his quirk activated to hold him down while we treat them because he hides them and currently doesn't talk"

"You're calling Davis strong, I mean I know he killed someone but nahh that useless freak ain't strong"

"This Davis killed someone. Who? You know I'm a lawyer Avain I can and will get that person's family evolved"

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