Incorrect Quotes

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A/N: Some incorrect quotes to cheer up the mood because this is A LOT of angst

Ronin: If you get in trouble, I'm gonna be like.. a lawyer to you okay?
Davis: okay..
Avian: Davis! You're in trouble, sit down on that chair
Ronin, whispering to Davis: Deny Everything
Davis: that's not a chair


Davis: Can we go out for ice-cream?
Avian: Did you ask Ronin?
Davis: He said no
Avian: Then why are you asking me?
Davis: because he's not the boss of you
Avian internally: it's a trap it's a trap it's a trap


Avian: Ronin won't come out of their room
Davis: just tell him I said something
Avian: like what?
Davis: any factually incorrect
Avian shrugging: if you say so
Ronin, arriving moments later: DID YOU JUST SAY THE SUN WAS A FUCKING PLANET.


Ronin: truth or dare
Davis: uhh truth
Ronin: how many hours have you slept this week?
Davis: ...Dare
Ronin: go to sleep
Davis: I don't like this game.


Ronin: please I'm begging you go to a doctor
Davis: I'm sorry is this OUR stab wound. Stay out of it


Ronin: Davis keep an eye on Avain today. He's gonna stay something to the wrong person and get punched.
Davis: sure, I'd love to see Avian get punched
Ronin: try again
Davis, sighing: I will stop Avain from getting punched


Ronin: I'm having a child
Davis: that's great congrat-
Ronin, slamming the adoption papers on the table: it's you sign here


Ronin: WHY?! Why did you give Avain a KNIFE!?
Davis: I'm sorry he said he felt unsafe
Ronin: now I feel unsafe
Davis: I'm sorry would you like a knife?


Ronin: why are you on the floor?
Davis: I'm depressed
Davis: also I got stabbed can you get Venus please


Ronin: I know you snuck out last night, Davis
Kat: play dumb
Davis: who's Davis?
Shino: not that dumb


Ronin: why are your tounges purple?
Kat: we had slushies, I had a red one
Davis: I had a blue one
Ronin: oh
Ronin: OH
Artemis: you drank each other's slushies..?


Ronin: you know those things will kill you right?
Davis, mixing a alot of different kinds of alcohol together: thats the point
Kat, smoking: were trying to speed up the process
Shino eating raw cookie dough: *nodding*


*Davis Kat Shino and Yuki sitting in jail together*
Shino: so who do we call
Davis: I'd call Ronin, but I feel safer in jail


Store Worker: could Mr. Ronin please come to the front desk
Ronin, heading to the front desk: hello is there a problem
Store worker points to Davis, Kat, Shino and Yuki.
Store worker: I believe they belong to you
Davis: we got lost
Ronin: I didn't even bring you guys with me


Ronin driving Davis and Kat: how was your day
Davis: we almost got surprise adopted
Ronin: what??
Kat: we almost got kidnapped
Ronin: oh okay
Ronin slamming down the breaks: WAIT WHAT!?


Ronin: in your opinion, what's the height of stupidity
Database Turing to Avian: how tall are you?


Cop: you're receiving a ticket for having a motorcycle with three people on it.
Davis: well shit
Kat: wait three?
Cop: yeah


Davis: Ronin, I'm sad
Ronin pulling him into a hug: it's okay
Artemis: Shino I'm sad
Shino: mood


Kowalski: imagine if someone handed you a box full of all the items you've lost through your life
Venus: my self-esteem I haven seen you in years
Davis: my childhood innocence, thanks for finding this
Ronin: I knew I had that potential somewhere
Database: my moral code is that you?
Kowalski: Do you guys need a hug?


Davis: who thinks I can fit 15 marshmallows in my mouth
Shino: your a hazard to society
Kat: and a coward. DO TWENTY


A/N: There will be more of these. Twenty is enough for now

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