Chapter 19 Cram Class and Work

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(( the angst has calmed down for now -insert evil laugh- also this is a long chapter: 2300 words that's a lot for me)

Davis hasn't slept yet. But when he heard footsteps he pretended to be sleeping

(We've all done that, admit it. I know I have done that before))

"Come on up and at it kid, cram class one starts soon"

"H-how many do y-y-you have today?"
"One, but there are quite a few bad students. Wear your casual clothes come on kiddo"

Ronin was already acting like a dad.

Davis gets changed into his casual clothes, a dark blue jacket dark green t-shirt and blue jeans with his red visor and little fedora he always wears. He had his switch and phone on him just in case.

Ronin was also wearing his casual clothes just a black jumper with a white strip of a design going up it, his sandals and his bluey green bottoms

They leave in Ronins purple mini bus and finally arrive at Monarch Academy parking lot

Davis is nervous and it showed
"Come on kid, I know it's been a while but it's okay"

They arrive at Cram Classroom 1. Davis sits at the front and Ronin sets up his laptop and chalkboard waiting for the people to arrive.
Davis pulled out his switch and played animal crossing. Ronin logged into his laptop to find the email of why everyone is going to show up. He writes down everyone's names on a paper since it's easier than going back and forth.

People start to arrive all at the same time they all pour into the class and pick seats. At least they know what time to arrive at. Everyone who is now here: Kat Willow Flex Jack Yuki Davis Clover and Nico.
Everyone found a seat one seat away from each other because of the personal space you know. Kat sat next to Davis. Yuki and Willow. Clover and Nico. Flex and Jack.

"Davis switch away please"

Davis is currently getting chased by bees in animal crossing so he pauses the game and puts it away.

"Alright let's get into why everyone is here, first up on my list is Clover. What did you do to end up here?"

"Uhh I'm here because I keep skipping school and the other day I gravity jumped a little too high I couldn't see land and landed on Moodswing. Whoops."

"Next is Flex, why did you end up here"

"Well uh you see I'm here because I morph into teachers and impersonate and mock them. And I got caught doing one of Kowalski."

"Of course you did, alright next up on my list is oooo Kat, what did you do?"

"Alright so does anyone know Steve" Kat asked

"Ew him" Clover rolled their eyes at that name

"Steve was being an asshole, he said 'The Ramirez Family were all villains and should be dead or in a high security prison', hearing that I told him to 'go hide in his kennel because the pound were hunting him down' then proceeded to lock him in a random persons locker, when he got out he snitched"

Davis couldn't help but let out a slight laugh at that.
"Don't encourage this Davis, I'm at a loss of words Kat"

Kat smirked "you may move on now"

"Alright next is Jack, I don't know how anyone can top why Kat's here not that you should attempt to top it but Jack why did you end up here?"

"Uhh so I keep skipping classes because my headphones and Shizu's quirk don't mix well. I got caught and tried to explain but the teacher didn't care"

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