Chapter 55 First and Second Tape.

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(trigger warning: Angst (hehe) Swearing (it's Ronin) Hospital, Blood, Gore?)

*When he first killed Manolo poor kid questioned if he was even a hero but now it doesn't even faze him* Ronin thought to himself.

"Uhh Ronin"

"Huh what. Sorry Davis what were you saying?"

"We were talking shit about Manolo" Davis half smiled weakly. "Then I said you should watch what's on that USB"

Ronin reached into his pocket and pulled out the red and black USB stick, he stared at it before looking up to Davis who was still pacing around the room.
"Are you sur-"

"Yes. Sorry umm yes I'm ready for you to know what happened while I was. I was...." Davis' words trailed off into a mumble under his breath.


"Yeah that"

"You got a laptop here. Also again are you sure about this?..."

Davis didn't respond to his question he just left to get his laptop. A few moments later he came back with it, placed it in front of Ronin, opened the lid and entered his password.

"I'm pretty sure Ronin, it's for the best and I mean that"

"..Alright then" Ronin spoke softly and plugged in the usb into the laptop, pulled up the files and opened the video with VLC Media Player ((the default app on windows, it's the traffic cone one))

"Theres a few, looks like the bank and the hospital room tapes too.. huh? And there another one, it looks like it ended up as an error"

"Maybe it was accidental?, he did come back pretty quickly"

"I doubt it but there's a chance anyway, am I watching these alone..?" Ronin dragged the first video into full screen ready to press play and turned his side to Davis looking a little nervous even though he said he was ready..

"No, I'll be...standing right to you...." Davis took a heavy and deep breath in then let it out mentally preparing himself.

"Alright I guess we press play then" Ronin took in a deep breath, made sure the volume was on but not on too high and pressed play on the first video.

He could immediately hear Davis' screams loud and clear. He could see the walls floor and even the roof(low roof) stained with his blood. He watched as three of 'The Dark Wasps' henchmen beat the shit out of his kid. He watched as his cries were silenced and the hope from his eyes faded away. Ronin used his hand to cover his mouth and tears silently fell down his cheeks. Davis winced and looked away from the screen everytime Dark Wasp's deep voice spoke. Ronin didn't really pay attention to the voices speaking, he more concentrated and stared at Davis in the video just in constant agony. However he did listen to some parts.
"Tie him to a generator and shock him all day all night until he completely loses the spark in his eyes, make sure he doesn't die, not yet"
"if they want this puny one back alive, barely alive anyway, they'll meet our demands"
Ronin clenched his fist using his free hand. Davis placed one of his hands on his shoulder to remind Ronin he was fine. They watched the video play on.
Majo and Two henchmen left the room, the other one tied a passed out Davis to a generator. He turned it in full blast then left the room, Davis shit awake from the instant feeling. Ronin could see that his hope was dying and he was slowly giving in to the pain. The date in the top right hand corner changed multiple times, it spanned over months. They tortured him like this for months with no end in sight, first was the beating, then the shocks, then the questions then it repeated all over again. He could see Davis wanted to be saved, he wanted it to end, either that meant he was saved or he died, he just wanted it to be over.
Days went by over the span of just a few clips and Davis was there for about a couple months in total. The first time he was kidnapped he was only there for a night, but last time he was kidnapped by a man with at least some mercy left in him..
'The Dark Wasp' comes in and asks the same question "Are you ready to give in" Davis always shakes his head no. The leader always gets angry slaps or punches him then walks off, before exiting the room he always clicks his fingers and then his henchmen always come in to torture him, and the cycle restarts all over again. Ronin watched as Davis endured all of this, he unclenched his fist and laid it on top of Davis' hand which was still resting on Ronins shoulder. Davis winced again and looked away from the screen when he heard the next line that was spoken. He knew exactly what happened next but he wished he didn't remember.

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