Chapter 5 A Serious Chat

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The two teachers and Davis are sitting at the dining table instead of the couch where Kat, Shizu Rikku and him were before

Shino was sitting opposite the room to Davis because he knew that Davis had previously been fucking with gangs now he needs to know about that razorblade.

Ronin and Avian were sitting facing him. Avian was kind of leaning on the table whereas Ronin was knelt down in front of Davis with concerned look in his eyes(Ronin deactivated his quirk so his eyes and hair are back to normal)

Ronin starts " Davis please tell me why there was a bloody razor blade and note in your bottom draw at the agency"

Davis was panicking. Was he actually about to tell his old teachers and Shino the truth about all of this.
Yes he was.

Let's hope he doesn't regret this.

Davis starts explaining " I l-listened to the voices of Kol and Manolo so I silt a few lines to make the voices stop. The note was Manolo admitting to killing my mother and Database" he said with his head tilting down and fidgeting with his fingers.

"That explains the bloody note and razorblade but now new questions are popping up". Avian adds

Shino was sat in the corner listening to all of this. Kat Yuki Shizu and Rikku were eavesdropping around the corner. Tears filled Kat's amber eyes.

Ronin questions "what voices Davis...?"

"Voices that sound like Kol Metica and my Grandfather, they only repeat words that are in memories." Davis tried to explain, at least he wasn't stuttering for now

"So it replays words that these people have said to you." Ronin says as he looked towards Avian

Davis slowly nodded

"But why didn't you tell one of us that you were having problems with your mental health. You know Ronin could of helped you."

Davis avoided their eye contact as much as he could. He tried to answer that but nothing came out

Shino walked over next to Avian and asked Davis " but why did you flinch so hard?."

Davis replied " I just don't like being touched. It brings up a lot of memories if  you could call them that"

Ronin brought up something he had noticed when Davis still went to Monarch. He previously asked him about it but didn't really get the direct answer he wanted.

"When you came into my class. Why did you have a bruised cheek"

Davis replied " it was just a fight. Yo can ask Kat she was there"

Kat wipes away the tears and mumbles "bruh". She had heard that.

"Kat could you come here a second" Avian says

Kat comes back to the room with the teachers and sits next to Davis, putting her hand on his thigh. Davis put his hand on top of hers.
While he was distracted Ronin pulled him in for a hug. Davis quickly realised but didn't flinch and pull away he just accepted it.
Ronin is sat on the other side of Davis and puts his arm around him to let Davis rest to head on his shoulder. Davis did just that
"So Kat the bruise Davis got that night was just a fight".

"Yeh basically. We were looking for his phone and switch we found his switch and a note. And then a guy sneaks up on Davis and punches him. Then I pushed the guy off the balcony. Totally by accident" she gives them a short awkward chuckle.

Davis felt safe with Ronin and had fallen asleep with his head on Ronin's shoulder. Ronin takes off his visor and rolls up his sleeve gently just enough that they can see how many slits he made on both of his arms.
The slits reached all up his arm upto the inside elbow crease on both of his arms.

Avian quietly calls Venus to come to dorm 3

Avian asks " Shino you can tell the other three they can come back if they want to now."

Yuki Shizu and Rikku sit down on the couch with Shino. They start chatting

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