Chapter 12 The Return of Rain

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Trigger warning: blood, gore?, Hospital?, swearing
((Rain belongs to OwTreyalP))
Davis sprung awake from another nightmare. it's like a hell-loop (referencing Lucifer on Netflix).

In this nightmare all he does is repeat the actions of the hero Vs villains training day. Over and over again he hurts Shizu and has to listen to Database lecturing him in detention where Database then pulls that gun out on him.
Then it starts all over again. Nothing he can do to stop it.
Was he gonna tell anyone about this nightmares of his.
No. Of course he wasn't.

Luckily He didn't wake up Ronin from his nightmare so he decided to sneak out and call Kat. Kat's the first to talk,

Kat:You can't sleep then?
Davis: No, you?

Davis has to whisper this just in case, Ronin's quirk did allow for super-hearing. Ronin deserved the rest.

Kat:Not today, you wanna go scout out the city for anything that might be happening
Davis:Like you even need to ask, but wear your suit
Kat:The helmets broke but I got some cool visor things that will go with it
Davis:That's fine, meet you outside our McDonalds yeah. I forget have you seen my hero suit
Kat: I don't think so but as long as you're wearing your red visor I'll know it's you
Davis: Okay meet you there in what? like 5 minutes
Kat: Yeah meet you there in 5, bye babe

Kat hangs up then Davis hangs up

Davis changes in his hero costume. Kat throws on hers and they meet at the McDonalds.
They scout the city for an hour or two before taking a break on a bench near some old warehouses. Memories rush back into Davis' mind as he stares at one particular warehouse. But all of those memories and thoughts get pushed to the back when they hear trouble going down specifically one individuals insane laugh, not too far from where they were

They rush over to see what's going on. Davis is shocked to see who it was. Kat's confused but she's concerned looking at Davis' eyebrows

"So this is where Rain went" Davis quietly says as to not attract attention to him and Kat aka Skeeter but it fails

"That's Rain! Oh fuck"

"We have to end this Kat"

"Once and for all get revenge for Ronin's friend right?"


(Insert Epic Fight Scene)

Davis threw the first punch. Rain dodges. Kat had copied Rikku's quirk without telling her so she could create explosions. Rain was successfully landing a lot of cuts with his already bloody knife.

Davis levitated anything that was in the area: any rubble, rocks, loose bricks, anything he could find and launched them at Rain
Rain was fast and was able to dodge a lot except a few, those left him with a bruised up face, Davis distracted Rain by levitating a huge rock, ready to launch it at Rain's psychotic face but he was struggling to keep it floating. During Davis' struggle, Kat snuck behind Rain a blasted a huge explosion, making Rain lose his balance but hes quickly back on two feet again Davis manages to separate that boulder into smaller rocks and launched them all at Rain, still Rain managed to dodge most of them. He had quite a few bruises and an injured back / spine from that huge explosion.
((Idk how to describe fight scenes))
Blood everywhere.
Bruises Cuts stab wounds light and deep maybe a few broken bones. Davis and Kat were bleeding a shit ton. Rain was too but not nearly as much as the two teens. Even though Rain was bleeding he was unaffected by it and the whole fight he's been staring at Davis.

Does he know Davis is Meticas son, no way right, Manolo was a secretive person especially when it came to his son he thought was a disappointment.
More blood shed.


Kat was now unconscious with a pretty deep stab wound
They were losing and badly. Davis wasn't gonna be able to fight for much longer.

Davis had a very important and quick decision to make here. Is he going to use his mind control quirk he got from his excuse of a father...

He's gonna have to put aside his feelings to save Kat. While Davis was in deep thought so he's distracted, Rain sees an opportunity and takes it

Rain sneaks up to his face and...
knife stab

*Deep fucking breath*

Knife gets pulled out before he could say fuck
Rain fucking stabs Davis leaving the deepest stab wound he's ever seen (stomach a little to the side). a smile appears on Rains already psychotic face.

It's like the Joker but worse.

Davis was somehow still awake but slowly losing consciousness. He was down lying on his back with Rain on top of him cutting him and punching him as hard as he could as much as he could, until it got boring.

"F-f-fuck i-i-it"

Davis struggles to say with his very weak strained voice . He took off his visor and let it sit on his head then activated his mind control quirk on Rain.

(Who could've seen that coming....)

Davis commands Rain what to do while he slowly struggles to barely stand, now Davis is crouching, losing control and consciousness until Rain is finally far out of sight.
He wasn't strong enough for anything else. His body was too weak from all the injuries and wounds caused. He suppressed that quirk once again hoping he would never have to use it again

"Kat please b-be okay" Davis struggles over to Kat slowly while applying as much pressure as his weak, injured body can on his deepest and worst wound. First he tries to wake her up.
Doesn't work
"K-k-kat please" he struggles to get out as tears appear in his weak tired blue eyes.
He tries to pick her up, he's struggling but he has a little bit more juice left in him to fly them both to the hospital. He picks her up bridal style and then uses his last bit of energy to fly to the hospital.

As he's flying over to the hospital, he gets a call from Ronin, he has to let it ring until it goes to voicemail or something. (No free hands you know) ((-insert short awkward chuckle-)).
Blood slowly stains his clothes.

He finally reaches the hospital to see (oh shit)
Venus and Avian.

As soon as Davis lands he passed out dropping an already unconscious also injured friend, he's finally ran out of juice.

"Help me get them hooked up to hospital beds, quick"

"Of course, wonder what or who did this to them"

*a baby le time skip*

((They're both lying on their back because most of their injuries are infront))

When Kat finally regains consciousness, she finds herself in a hospital bed in a hospital gown while being attached to a vitals monitor and IV stand with a red and clear fluid on. There are so many tubes connected to the both of them with so many bandages to plasters (bandaids for Americans) covering all injuries wounds and  for bruises they have icepacks covering them. Both Kat and Davis have an oxygen mask on, she wants to take it off but decided against it, it's best to leave it to Venus and the other doctors.

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