Chapter 81 Keeping Up His End Of The Deal.

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((did y'all see Devin and Ritchie Uploaded a trailer for a new MHO series))

Ronin was waiting for Davis across the road from the cemetery. Davis and Ronin walked together, in an awkward silence and some left over anger lingering in the atmosphere between them. Kreig was pretty far ahead of them but waited for them at one of the lights.
Davis' deal had made both Kreig and Ronin upset at him so once they caught up with him Kreig and Ronin walked side by side while Davis walked behind them.

"Let's ignore what the fuck Davis did and concentrate on plan B, how are we gonna execute it"

While they were talking, Davis slipped away.

"Visors what do you think?" Kreig asked unaware he had left.

Ronin realised he stopped hearing three sets of footprints walking so he turned his head.
"He's gone"

"He fucking left. We have to get to their base before he does"

Kreig ran in the direction of 'bosses' base. Ronin followed closely behind him. Davis had only slipped away and hid, socne he didn't actually know where the base was. He secretly and very quietly followed the two.

*How do I manage to fuck up every one of my friendships..*

-At The Bad Guys Base-

"Stay in the background and we cant let them see us" Kreig said.

Ronin nodded.

Meanwhile Davis snuck in back, avoiding any guards or unwanted interaction, he made it down to the basement where they were holding everyone. He knocked out the guard standing in front of the door and broke the lock using his telekinesis. As silently as he could he opened it. His voice modulator was still on, and his disguise was still good enough that no one else saw straight through it.

He looked around the room for something sharp enough to cut through the ropes as everyone tied up just looked at wondering who he was and what he was going to do. He found a shard of glass in a corner and started to cut the rope, he started Avian.

As soon as Avian was free he pounced on Davis, pinning him to the ground. He ripped off the tape of his mouth, and spoke in a lower tone of voice than his normal one.

"Who the hell are you?"

Davis pushed off of him with his telekinesis then said, "Keep your volume down. They don't know I'm down here."

"So I'll ask again, who are you?"

"I go by Hummingbird", Davis said, not wanting to reveal himself yet.

Davis got up and started untying everyone else with the shard,
"All you need to know is I'm here to help."

He untied Shino then Kat then Kiyo then Clover. They all stood up, stayed as quietly as they could. They all ripped the tape from their mouths.

"Are the others okay" Clover asked, whispering, "that male boss kept repeating a certain sentence while leading them somewhere..."


Davis nodded, "they're fine, what sentence did he repeat?"

"He kept saying Davis is dead in a celebrating way." Avian said in response.

"I'll assume this Davis guy is a friend of yours"

"You sure you can't tell us your real name." Shino asked in a low volume tone.

"Now isn't the time nor place for introductions"

"You sound an awful similar to old villain I used to know" Kat said, also whispering. She has recognised Meticas voice modulator. There was just that familiarity she had with it.

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