Chapter 11 Getting some Rest Finally

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"Well we should probably get you home kid"

Davis yawned "where's my visor" he asks while avoiding Ronin's eyes

" I have it here kiddo, I'll get it fixed then you can have it back" Ronin states

"Okay" Davis says while yawning again

Ronin picks up the blanket, folds it and puts it back where it was.
"Let's get going kiddo", Ronin says as he opens the door. Davis walks through it then Ronin does. Ronin locks the door.

They both get in Ronin purple mini van/bus

-During the drive back-

" So where am I taking you back to kiddo" Ronin asks Davis

"Are you able to find Betty Bakes" Davis asks while fidgeting with his fingers

"That's your grandmother's bakery right, I think I know where that is"
Ronin drives to 'Betty Bakes'

-when they get there-

Before Davis gets out of the van that was now parked outside the bakery, Ronin let Davis know
"Kiddo wait, the courts case is in two days from now so try get some rest"

"It's difficult to sleep most of the time" Davis yawns again. Damn he's tired

"Can you tell me why, if it's not too much trouble maybe I can help you fix it" Ronin gives him a slight smile

"Umm mostly it's the migraines from my quirk, sometimes it's just overthinking too much, umm my um M-my thoughts just don't turn off sometimes I guess if I can put it that way" Davis tried his best to explain before yawning again.

"Is Betty here? Is she home?" Ronin asks

"She's in her own home, most of the time I run the bakery myself with Kat and I live here by myself" Davis answers. His stuttering has really calmed down, he feels a sense of safety with Ronin, he hasn't felt that in a really really longggg fucking time, so long in fact he doesn't remember.

Ronin takes the key out of the van and then both of them get out of it.

"Well then I will be making sure you get sleep" Ronin says pretty enthusiastically

Davis just stared at him blankly before accepting it. At this he needs a full night's sleep, it's been years, the migraines kinda causes insomnia that Betty got him a diagnosis for. Davis gets the key out of his pocket and unlocks the door. He gestures for Ronin to go in first, Ronin enters first then Davis does closing the door behind him

Davis shows Ronin where he usually sleeps. It's just a pretty bland, grey room with just a bed, beside table, a small bookshelf with a journal, a singular poster, and a picture frame.

"Go change into what you usually sleep in" Ronin says. Davis goes to change while Ronin looks at the poster above the bed.

"Huh" He notices a framed picture but the glass in the frame is cracked and some of it is on the floor below where it hangs.

"Davis?" Ronin calls for him. He has questions

"Hmm" Davis responds as he enters the room again in what seemed to be more comfortable clothes

"What's with the uh- what with the broken glass frame?" Ronin asks

"Oh, it's just a picture of f-f-family but I dropped it and forgot about it" Davis tried to explain without revealing the truth.

"You sure. No anger, no punches were involved" Ronin questioned.

Ronin was very observant, he knows what's going on before he gets told the truth. He knows when people are lying, especially when Davis lies

Davis stutters "u-u-uh n-n-n-no"

"Okay now you're lying to me, Kid the truth please" Ronin says as he sits down in Davis' bland dull coloured bed.

Davis sits down next to him and starts to explain what he can about the truth
"I had a nightmare this one time and it s-s-scared me, I walked around my room for a bit with my light on to calm down"

Davis is purposely missing out on a few details here, "I saw Manolo and my mom remembered that night and got angry at him so I punched the frame",
"It shattered, I guess I punched too hard."

"Why didn't you clean it up" Ronin asks in a serious tone, Davis was still stuttering, so either it wasnt the whole truth or something was going on.

"As soon as I dropped on my bed I fell asleep, I forgot about it' Davis says.

"So why is it ripped kid" Ronin questions looking at the picture that was taped back together inside a shattered frame.

"Betty ripped Manolo out of it, I taped it back together, Betty really doesn't like Manolo. He was a right bitch, her words not mine"

"Don't worry kid he was a right bitch, he deserved the death he got" Ronin says in a gentler tone as he stands up from the bed and walks over to the shattered glass because he notices something on one of the shards.

"I really don't wanna ask this but I'm worried you've done this" he says as he picks up a glass shard with something dark red on.

Davis opens his top drawer to his bedside table, he takes out his older visor, still red but but an older version of his current one. And he puts it on, closes the drawer then looks at Ronin.

"I think you already know the answer to that Ronin" Davis says as he slightly rolls up his sleeves

Davis opens the bottom drawer of his bedside table to take out spare bandages. He wraps them around his arms and then closes the drawer.

Ronin looks at him with concerned eyes
Davis yawns

"Well enough of that, get into bed, im not leaving until you fall asleep" Ronin says pointing at Davis' bed.

Davis gets into his bed and scrunches into a ball. Davis is so tired that as soon as his head hits the pillow he's out.

He's out like a light. Ronin sits down on a small part of the bed next to the pillow, He strokes Davis' hair gently.

In Ronin's mind *I suppose your forgiven Manolo for now, old friend, Davis is officially gonna be my son in two days I swear if you did something to him I didn't know I will bring u back to life to kill you again*. He corssed his fingers. He took off Davis' older visor and gently dropped on the floor.

Ronin leaned against the wall still stroking Davis' hair gently and drifted into a light sleep.

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