Chapter 65 Decision Made.

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(trigger warning: swearing I think..)((some parts get a little confusing but it will make sense hopefully))

Davis woke up first, he sat up and doesn't remember lying down. Clover was still alseep, Rain was gone around five in the morning. He could only assume that it was Ronin who pushed him to a laying position while he was asleep and not a ghost.

Davis yawned. And then immediately started to think. He searched for his phone in his pocket, but it had fallen out around when Ronin came home. He picked it up from the floor, lucky for him it didn't crack or even scratch the screen. He unlocked his phone and opened his gallery app. He scrolled the the pros and cons list him and Clover made yesterday. A few specific Pros caught his eye.

1: a new start to forget about everything bad
2: finally become a hero
3: new city new opportunities new life
4: Kat

They wrote down quite a lot but these ones stuck out to him. He's wasting time, it is nearly the end of the year. That would officially make two years here after he graduated. Even if most of it was spent in a coma. Nevermind moving on!

His train of thought got interrupted. Again.

"Morning Davis" Clover yawned walking out of his bedroom, "Did you sleep there?"

"Yeah" Davis responded, locking his phone.

"What time did you go to sleep?"

"A-around 5 am" Davis yawned then Clover did.

"You waited for Ronin didn't you?"


"I'm just gonna assume you were worried about him"

"Yeah.. Y-you want b-breakfast?"

"If you don't mind"

"I d-don't"

Davis stood up and walked into the kitchen
(It's like an inside archway separating the kitchen and the living room)(one side is the kitchen then the other side is the dining table, it's in the same room)(just for your imagination)-Author

"What d-do you want?" Davis asked yawning again.

"Have you got cereal??" Clover hoped he did.

"Yeah. T-there uhh l-l-lucky charms"

"Yes please"

Davis poured Clover a bowl of lucky charms and a glass of juice. Clover sat on one of the chairs around the dining table, Davis gave them the cereal and he made himself and Ronin a cup of coffee. He added animal blood into Ronin's coffee, it's extra hot so maybe by the time he wakes up, it'll be the right temperature.

Davis walked over to the dining table and sat the opposite of Clover setting down his cup. He grabbed the handle and blew it to cool it down enough for a sip. Clover was peacefully and happily eating and definitely enjoying their bowl of cereal..

Then about 7 minutes later Ronin wakes up. Davis had half finished his coffee and Clover finished their bowl of cereal and started drinking their juice. Ronin got changed into his comfy outfit since he slept into his hero one, he was about to walk past the entrance to the kitchen when he heard them talk to each other, so he waited by the wall and eavesdropped.

"So what's gonna happen to this place after you leave?"

"Ronins probably g-going to s-s-stay h-h-here alone or with L-leander"

"You didn't hear?"


"Leander got arrested. He apparently took the fall for some Monarch students who killed Wonderwall and Ninetails"

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