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"Ayaan, I am unable to untie this string. How did you tie it?" she asked, holding the string in her hand.

"Let me help you. Come here," I said, kneeling down and quickly untying it.

I wondered how she couldn't open it herself. She then went to the bathroom again.

"What Kanak said was partially true. I mean, yes, their family did request us. They were crying so much. How could their daughter run away and leave her family like that? Because of their request, our family accepted Aashika as their daughter-in-law. I would have accepted her anyway, but her mother came to me and requested me to take care of her. She doesn't know that I am more than happy to do it. And even if I wanted to, I couldn't hurt her. She is just so innocent and, of course, young."

"I don't know what I'm going to do, but one thing I know is that I'm not going to hurt her or hate her just because the marriage happened like that. It's not like I don't know her. And I don't even like Radha a little bit. She has so much attitude."

Ayaan was lost in his thoughts when the door opened and Aashika approached him, calling his name. However, he didn't notice because he was already lost in his thoughts.

She waved her hand in front of his face. "Ayaan, where are you lost? I was calling you."

"Han... Nowhere. Are you ready? Let's go for breakfast."

They went to have their breakfast, and after finishing, everyone left. Their mother gave them so many things, as they didn't come home casually.

" Ayaan, please ensure that you take care of yourself and Aashika as well. Remember not to scold her or get into any arguments with her. Make sure to call me daily."

"And Daksh, the same instructions apply to you and Deepak as well."

"Yes, aunt, I understand. I should leave now as I have some urgent work to attend to," Deepak said before departing from there.

After listening to their mom's instructions, they both left in their respective cars.

"Ayaan, I really don't want to go today. Because of all the drama surrounding the marriage, I haven't been able to complete any of my assignments. I'm going to get scolded, and they might even call my mom, please."

"I asked bhai to change your guardian's number. They will call me now if something happens."

"What? How... I mean, why?"

"Because I'm your husband now, and I am responsible for you from now on."

"Can I skip?" She said softly, playing with her fingers.

"Okay, tell me what you're going to do at home all alone."

"I will clean up and attend my online classes. I promise. Please, can't you let me skip this once?"

"Aashi, it's not ideal, but okay, if you insist. But this is the last time I'm letting you skip. You don't have to clean, just focus on your pending assignments, Aashi. Okay, come out now, we have arrived. And one more thing, we all brothers live in this building, but on different floors. Let's go now," he said, holding her hand and leading the way towards his apartment.

"Wow, it's so beautiful, Ayaan. We are going to live here," she said joyfully.

"Yes, we are. Everything is already arranged in your room. You can just go and work on your assignment. Also, don't worry about anything, I will contact the workers, and they will come here."

"What do you mean by 'your room'? Are you going to live in a different room?" She asked sadly, without understanding why she felt that way.

Our bedroom is not meant for you to do your assignment. Please work in your own room, as this room is like your study area. You need to study there.

He left her with a TV, laptop, and phone to keep her entertained while he went to work. After kissing her forehead, he bid her goodbye and left her alone.

In the evening, Ayaan returned home early, feeling uneasy about leaving her alone. He unlocked the door and, not seeing her around, went to her room. There, he found her lying on the floor, writing in a notebook.

"Why are you lying on the floor, Aashi? It's cold. Stand up and find a proper place to sit," he scolded gently, placing a hand on her back. She looked at him with a pout.

"I'm struggling with these questions. Your brother will scold me," she said.

"Stand up, close the book, and tell me if you've finished your other assignments," Ayaan instructed.

"I have, but they weren't as difficult," she replied.

"Alright, I'll call Daksh later to help you with these questions," he decided.

"No, I can't. I'll just copy answers from my friends," she protested.

"No need for that. Daksh will help you, and that's final," Ayaan insisted.

"Ayaan, I forgot to attend the online class today."

"Do not worry, we will discuss this later. Did you have anything to eat?"

"Yes, Auntie came and cooked food. She even cleaned all the rooms. She is very kind. We talked, watched TV together, and she made my favorite food today."

"It sounds like you had a good time today. Let me freshen up, and then we can watch a movie together. After that, you can finish your work."

"But after Auntie left, I felt really bored. I missed you and Mom. I couldn't even talk to her," she said, pouting as they walked towards the bedroom.

"Why don't you have your phone?"

"I have it, but it's not charged. What's the use if I can't make a call? Ayaan, I don't have your number. Can you give it to me?" She asked, handing him her phone.

He saved his number on her phone. They both reached the room. Ayaan went to freshen up and change, while Aashika chose a movie for them to watch.

"Let's watch this movie," she said as she saw Ayaan coming out. He sat beside her with his phone in hand.

"Don't use your phone. You said we would watch a movie," Aashika said, whining.

"I recharged your phone. Now you can call anyone. I messaged Bhai to come here after resting; he will be here soon."

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