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Ayaan you did you get any email regarding my results. I mean I can't find my roll number so I don't know about my results. Aashika said while having breakfast with ayaan sitting beside her.

I got your results already and there is a file on table in your study room , your admit card is there in that file so you can see your results yourself and no need to worry if your results is adverse ok I'm leaving .

Wait ayaan you said you got my results can't you tell me by yourself. Aashika said while playing with her food.

I can't but whatever is your results do tell me by yourself ok.

Ayaan but wait.. She was saying but ayaan leave from there aashika look towards door and touch her lips.
" No kiss"

She went to her room and check to check her results.

Heart can you stop beating that fast stop for a min.. Wait don't stop be normal I feel like this heart it going to come out from my body in any second.

She checked her results then she press her lips between her teeth to stop crying out loud.

She dialed kajal number

"Kajal" she said in crying tone .

What happen aashika why are you crying. Kajal said in concerned tone.

She said nothing but was Continuesly crying. Not understanding anything kajal was listing to her.

Aashika can you tell me what happen wait I'm coming to your home.

No don't come........ Kajal i failed in maths mom will kill ne if she get to know about it.

Idiot you were crying about this matter I got scared for you. Listen it's not like you have to repeat whole semester right you can give this exam along with your 2nd exam so don't cry.

But kajal you know mom right. Aashika said still crying.

Don' tell her it's not a big deal and I will meet you tomorrow we all will go to mall I have already talk to kanak so don't worry we will go.

I don't want to go anywhere. I'm already in a cold War with ayaan.

He will not deny I know that and I will talk to you later mom is calling me.

Saying that she cut the call aashika look at her phone screen.

"No one want to talk to me everyone is busy"

Then she dial ayaan number .


Sir is not here I will tell him once he will come into his cabin. Said a female voice

Who are you. Aashika said in confusion because how can anymore other then ayaan can answer his phone more over a girl.

He leave his phone here he is busy with some patient I will tell him as soon as he became free.

Saying that nurse cut the call again aashika was staring at her phone screen.
She throw her phone on tabel .

Wait I can call kanak she must be free.
Then she dialed kanak number.

Kanak are you free.

Yes I'm ... But wait what happen your voice feel very heavy ... We're you crying.
Wait I'm coming home you are at home right.

Wait... She was saying buy kanak disconnect her call.

She sigh and look at the ceiling.

After an hours there was a knock on door when she open her door she find kanak standing there with her bag.

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