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He sits on bed all frustrated he takes his phone out of his pocket and dials a number.

"Hello Rahul are you free right now."

"Yes yes Ayaan I'm but why are you calling me this late did something happen. "

"Nothing I just want to fix appointment are you free tomorrow."

"I'm free, but what happened to you."

"Not me dude aashika get infection maybe due to water she was complaining about it before but it is in bad condition now and you are specialist and I trust you."

"Aashika your wife right she is cute." He said laughing.

"Shut up and I'm bringing her with me tomorrow. She sometimes scares me you don't know when I look at her I lost my mind she will kill me some day."

"Don't talk like that she is cute I think  she is young too Mr ayaan." Rahul said chuckling.

"Yes she is cute but clumsy no wait not to forget trouble maker."

"So will you take leave Tomorrow." Ask Rahul from a different end.

"I can't I have appointments with patients I can't miss . OK I'm going to meet you tomorrow."

He cut the call and sat on the bed grabbing his hair.

Why do I have to slap her are you out of your mind ayaan.

I should order her favorite food she will never deny food what should I order than pizza or pasta let's go with pasta she like cold drink but I don't really want to give her that in this cold weather.
Let it be if she will ask for anything else I will bring it for her.
Now let me call my upset baby.

He knock on door but not getting any response he went to his room and took the keys of that room.

He opened the door and here aashika was sleeping on the floor hugging a pillow.

He went towards her and picked her up in his arms.

"Don't you like that bed that whenever I come to this room you are always on floor idiot."

He took her to their room and put her on bed. He waited sometimes and after that food arrived he went to wake aashika.

"Aashi wake up have something you were hungry aashi." He tried to wake her up but she was still sleeping.

He put water drop on her face which makes her open her eyes and immediately wipe her face.

"Aashi let's have dinner you must be hungry."

She looks at him without blinking then looks here and there. She left the bed and without saying anything she was about to walk out of the room but he held her hand stopping her from going anywhere.

She tries to take her hand from his grip but he doesn't leave her wrist.

"Leave my hand I don't want to talk to you who do you think you are after slapping me you will come to me like nothing happens and I will talk to you I will not. " She shouted the last part but still ayaan didn't leave her hand instead he pull her on his lap and put spoon full of pasta in front of him.

"Leave me ayaan I don't want to eat." Aashika said struggling in his arms.

"Aashi I'm sorry I know I shouldn't have slapped you and I'm sorry for that but other than that everything is your fault."

"Yes my fault leave me now I don't want to leave with you." She said now her eyes were all teary.

"I told you about it but still you... " She doesn't finish her word and starts crying out loud. Rubbing her both eyes.

He grabbed her both hand and hugged her tightly and started rubbing her back.

"Aashi you never told me it's in that bad condition and don't tell me you don't know that and stop crying".

She starts to hit his back with her hand but doesn't say anything. After she stopped he broke the hug and looked at her smiling

"Done can we have dinner now and don't cry I was just worried and when you don't let me check my anger increase I promise I will never do it again."

"I will complain to mom about you." Aashika said.

"Ok ok you can, let's eat. " He forward spoon in front of her she open her mouth and start eating...

After eating Ayaan come back putting plates in the kitchen.

"I still wouldn't talk to you." Aashika said that and cover herself pretend to sleep

He come towards her and held her from back and turned her face to face him. He places a kiss on her both cheeks.

"I'm sorry" he said kissing her nose.

"Aashi look at me and tell me the truth ok don't lie I know you are expert in this but don't lie now."

She nodded her head.

"And I would appreciate it if you use your voice ok."

"OK" she said

"Tell me the truth do you feel uncomfortable with me like me sleep with you and hugging you and all do you feel uncomfortable tell me the truth."

She shakes her head saying no and looks at his shirt rather than his eyes.

"So do you like it."

"I like the kiss" she said make pout.

Ayaan kissed her pout making her smile.

"If you are not uncomfortable with touch then I will appreciate it if you are comfortable with me to tell me everything ok ".

She again nodded her head and hug him tightly.

"Sorry I thought it would be ok by itself." she said in low voice even through ayaan hear it but don't reply to her instead hug her back pulling her more closer.



Here aashika was sitting there all dressed up and glaring at ayaan.

"Let's go aashi" he said grabbing his keys.

"Ayaan you are cruel why do I have to attend class my ankel still hurt please can I skip I promise I will study at home for exam."

"You are coming with me then I'm leaving you to no where we will come back together." he said smiling.

"But aren't you going to hospital." She said looking at him with a confused face.

"Yes and you are coming with me i booked your appointment. " He said standing in front of her taking her hand.

"Why I don't want to go I will not go leave my hand." She said take her hand back.

"Aashi baby don't you trust me I will be with you you don't have to be worried about anything just do as I say, nothing will go wrong."

"But aren't you doctor why are you taking me to someone else."

"I will be with you let's go." He said and take her to the car they drive to hospital Aashika was unusually silent.

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