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What did I do will Ayaan be angry he looks scary whenever he is angry what should I do now , she said biting her nails.

Hey, I can't do anything about Ayaan being angry, so why am I worried? Let's just focus on cooking something for him.

Oh wait, he told me not to use the kitchen because I made a mess last time. Let's work on the assignment instead. I'll ask Kajal for help since she's a topper and always helps me out.


Aashika - hey Kaju.

Kajal - what's up?

Aashika - Can you send me your math and accounting assignment? I'm struggling with it.

Kajal - Sure, but be careful, sir might find out.

Aashika - I'm not scared, just send it over.

Kajal sent the assignment and Aashika started copying her work. Ayaan walked in while she was studying.

"How come you're studying, Aashi? Is it a dream, it has to be " he asked, locking the door behind him.

"I'm almost done with my assignment," she replied in bored tone.

"Why do you always study on the floor? Sit on the bed," he suggested.

"Just one more page, I'll be done," she said.

"Are you cheating from your phone?" he questioned.

"No, Ayaan, why would you think that?" she nervously replied.

"Good, because cheating is not okay. Daksh once failed a student for cheating," he warned.

Feeling scared, she closed her books. "Should I submit this work? What if something goes wrong?" she thought to herself.

"Are you ready? Let's go," Ayaan said, pulling her up.

"You're warm, let's have dinner. Did you have fun with Khushi today?" he asked, heading to the kitchen.

As they sat down, Ayaan was about to get up, but Aashika stopped him. "Wait, I'll heat up the food and bring it to the table."

"Okay, but be careful," he said with a soft smile.

She went to the kitchen, still thinking about what Ayaan had said. She heated up the food and brought it to the table.

Let's talk about what happened to you today, Aashi. If something happened, tell me," Ayaan said, looking at her concern.

She started shared every detail of her day with him.

"So, madam, that's why you're feeling warm. Why did you give her ice cream? It's cold outside, and she's just a child. You shouldn't have taken her to the park," he scolded .

"I did tell her not to go, but she's a child. I couldn't deny her," she replied, looking down.

"Okay, okay, it's fine. Just remember, if she doesn't listen, give her a stern look, and she'll listen to you, okay?"

"I don't like winter, and I don't know why. The water here is weird or should I say it smells too," she mentioned.

"Are you talking about drinking water, Aashi?"

"No, it's not just drinking water," she said, looking down.

"If something is happening, tell me. You've mentioned the water before too," he insisted.

"It's nothing serious, I just feel itchy, so I mentioned it," she explained.

"Where is it happening?" Ayaan asked, now more serious.

"Everywhere," she replied, looking at her plate.

He took her hand and rolled up her sleeves. He had done this with the other hand too, but there was nothing to be found. He held her hand in his and led her towards the room.

"Wait, the plates are still on the table. Let me clear them," she said.

"Auntie will do it, you don't have to worry," he assured her.

He made her sit on the bed and sat in front of her. He looked closely near her neck.

"There's nothing, but if something happens, you'll tell me, right?" he asked.

"Now, let's sleep. No, wait, let's watch a movie. Can we?" he asked, holding her tightly in his arms.

"Let go, you'll break my bones," she protested, trying to free herself.

"Oops, I forgot something. You choose the movie, I'll be back in a minute," he said.

She started looking for a movie, and after a few minutes, Ayaan returned with a glass in his hand.

"Ayaan, not again. I drank it last night," she pleaded eying glass in his hand.

"Come on, Aashi, your fever hasn't completely gone down yet. Just take it. We're not arguing about it today, so just do it. "

"Why are you forcing me like this?"

"Fine, I'll drink it happily so you don't have to force me. Let's just drink it and watch some movies. "

She quickly drinks it, making a face.
After that, he pulls her into a hug.
"Aashi, this is the last time I'm telling you not to wear tight clothes at night."

"Can't you see? I'm not wearing anything tight, you idiot. Let's just watch the movie. "

"Okay, don't blame me later. I didn't ask you to do it yourself. " He whisper in her ears making aashika close her eyes.

He takes Aashika and hugs her, holding her close. And slowly slips his hand inside her T-shirt.

"A... Ayaan, what are you..."

"Shh," Ayaan cuts her off. She stays quiet and closes her eyes, feeling his touch.
He slowly unclasps her bra and takes it off. And smiles at her blushing face.

"Alright, it's done. We don't need to bring this up in bed, okay?" Ayaan says, but Aashika covers her face with the blankets.

"Aashi, come on, you're not a child. And why are you shy? Who are you shy from?"

He uncovers her face. She immediately looks at the screen, pretending to be interested in the movie, but her mind is somewhere else.

"Aashi, can I kiss you?" he asks gently.
But She doesn't respond.

"Okay, no kiss. Let's just watch the movie. I have to wake up early tomorrow."
He holds her and rests her head on his chest.

She closes her eyes while Ayaan watches the movie, but his mind is lost somewhere else too.

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