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They both reach home ayaan directly went to hospital without listening anything from her. Here aashika was sitting on couch listening to her friends.

"I will talk to you later I'm hanging up you both can talk"

"Why.. Don't hang up and tell us how did it go. Did you use that drug which I give you" Kajal ask her.

"Yes tell us whole story" Kanak said agreeing with her.

"I'm just so tired so I will call you later and if ayaan ask you about this drug seen than ignore this topic completely and tell him you both don't know about that anything". Aashika said that and hang up their call.

"Why I have to be so stubborn he was not wrong at his place" She was thinking but come out of her Overthinking due to her phone call.

"Why is mom calling me"

"Hello mom what happen"

"Aashika what happen why ayaan is telling me that you are stopping your study what's wrong with you "

Mom I'm not. I will talk to you later.

"No just answer my question "

"Yes I did ok any problem I'm already feeling very dizzy can you please hang up my call" Aashika yell on her listening to her tone her mom hang up the call.

She put her head on side closing her eyes but again her phone ring disturbing her .

"The caller is dead so don't call again". She said thinking her friends is calling her again.

" Well done but call your mother and talk to her nicely she called me and told me your so called tone in which you talked to her, so better call her and say sorry" He said and don't wait for her reply and cut the call.

"Don't she have some other work then complaining about me I'm not calling anyone " She said and again rest her head on side.

On the other side ayaan was sitting with daksh and roshni and eating snacks.

"Were you talking with aashika right now . I can't believe " Roshni said pinching herself.

"Daksh we are not dreaming right" She said. Daksh pinch her arms hard. She first glare at daksh then look at ayaan.

"Ayaan why were you talking like this to her, it's rude"

"Roshni" Daksh said making roshni shut.

"But i wanted to know" She mumble to herself.

"By the way where is kushi"

"Ask your bhaiya " Roshni said annoyed.

"Doing her previous homework . She had ptm today and we got to know to many things regarding her " Daksh said sipping his tea.

"She can do later it's late daksh"  Ayaan said

"Yes ayaan tell him he actually show no mercy to my baby what if we recive some complain he actually rise his hand on her. Sometimes I just get the urge to... She stop saying feeling daksh glaring at her.

" Don't glare at me and you know ayaan after that he send me to her and told me to make her favorite food for dinner and spend sometimes with her so she will not feel dull whole day."

"Shut up it was also your fault whenever I ask you about her homework you always response positively. Try giving her your phone then see what I will do " Daksh said giving her glare.

"I'm not scard of you now "

"Wait why are we arguing. Ayaan say something you are sitting here since afternoon".

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