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Ayaan was working in his laptop soon Aashi put her head on his lap.

Aashi, I'm trying to work here."

"I'm not stopping you."

"Then why are you doing this?"

"Massage my head, it's hurting. Put your work aside."

"Just close your eyes, or I'll kick you out of this room."

"Rude," she muttered, rolling her eyes and reaching for her phone.

Ayaan took her phone, causing her to glare at him.

"Give it back, Ayaan," she demanded, trying to snatch it from his grasp.

"You should rest, you have a fever."

"I'm not sick, give it to me," she insisted, sitting on the bed and struggling to retrieve her phone from him, ending up on top of him.

"Okay, okay, I'll give it to you. Just get off me first," he said getting tempted by her body sticking to his..

"No, give it to me first."

"Aashi, why are you so determined to drive me crazy today? You Didn't attend  your classes today right, Daksh told me there's a test tomorrow, so go study."

"No, I'm sleepy now," she replied, rubbing her eyes.

"If you don't like this subject, why did you choose it?"

"My mom chose it for me, and it's not that bad, you know what I mean, right?"

"You should have dreams and aspirations of your own, Aashi, not just what your mom wants for you."

"I haven't really thought about it... How about being a mother?"

He looked at her in shock.

"What nonsense. You're actually clueless. Your mother did the right thing by choosing for you, since you can't even think for yourself."

Sleep dumbo "He touched her forehead gently and said, "Your fever will go down if you sleep, Aashi."

Aashika folded her hands and replied, "Then you should also sleep."

"If you don't sleep, I will call Daksh bhaiya to teach you today's lesson. Do you want that?" Aashika quickly covered her head with a blanket and closed her eyes. Ayaan soon fell asleep beside her.

In the middle of the night, Ayaan felt something hot beside him. He opened his eyes to find Aashika clinging to him, shivering due to the cold. He covered her and brought her closer, touching her forehead to realize her fever had increased.

He tried to get up, but Aashika was not willing to let him go. "Aashi baby, let me check your temperature," he said, attempting to move away but failing. He rested his head on the pillow and admired her cuteness.

"Why are you so cute and annoying at the same time? I always thought I wanted a mature partner, but having you is more fun. Even when you cry, you look cute, and your pouts make me want to kiss you, but I have to control myself. I know you may not fully understand how relationships work, but I can wait," he said, hugging her tightly as she slept.

The next morning, Ayaan woke up and prepared breakfast for both of them. He called out to Aashika, touching her forehead and realizing she still had a fever.

Feeling his cold touch, Aashika opened her eyes and sat up in bed. Rubbing her eyes, she glanced at the clock and widened her eyes in shock.

"Why didn't you wake me up, you idiot? I have an early class with Deepak sir today, and I don't want to miss it," she exclaimed.

"What chance are you referring to?" Aayan inquired, glaring at her.

"Chance to attend his class and see him, you can't understand. Leave me, I'm going to get ready," he held her hand and pushed her to bed.

"I don't understand how you can have that much power while having a fever. Have your breakfast, you are not going anywhere today."

"I'm not listening to you, Mr. I'm going, and that's for sure," she said, folding her hands in front of her and looking away.

"Just go and wash your face, brush your teeth, come have breakfast, take medicine, then rest for today. You can see him any other day also."

"I don't..." she started to say but stopped herself and looked at him.

"Are you going to the hospital today?"

"Yes, I am. I can't take a leave, but I will come early."

"Okay, then I'm coming in a minute," she said as she left happily.

She returned after a few minutes and had her breakfast. Ayaan brought medicine, which she took without drama as she was planning something in her mind.

"Okay, Aashi, I'm leaving. Take the medicine in the afternoon also, and if you don't feel any better, then call me."

"I'm all good, Ayaan. You are worried for nothing."

"And one more thing, don't leave the house. If you do, no one will be worse than me."

"Yes, yes, you are no good. By the way, just leave," she said as she pushed him outside and started to get ready. After getting ready, she also left for college.

"I will come back before him, and I'm not feeling that low that I have to miss my favorite class. It's not worth it. I will definitely go," she said as she started to walk towards the bus stand.

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