035. it all comes crashing down

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Nathan finishes dishing out the macaroni and cheese and grabs the small bottle of chocolate milk.

"Hey." Ophelia walks in.

"He-hey." Nathan harshly swallows, Ophelia immediately feeling his nerves.

"What?" She asks.

"It's for Libby." Nathan says, walking out of the kitchen.

"What?" Ophelia follows him. "Nate, are you serious?"

"What? She needs to eat." Nathan defends.

"She's 16. She can get her own fucking food." Ophelia says.

"Oh, my God." Nathan mutters, pinching the bridge of his nose. "Okay, babe--"

"Don't "babe" me. The annoying baby can get her own shit."

"Look, Ophelia," He practically spits her name out. "I understand you're scared of the Brits and I know you're upset Libby has a relationship with one of them and I'm sorry. It sucks, I know. But you have to put yourself in her shoes. Imagine your whole family starts ignoring you. Who are you gonna turn to? Hmm? Besides, we both know that fucker probably got into her head somehow, just like how you guys told me Ruby got into Sam's head."

"Oh, yeah, I'm sure he's just giving her stocks of demon blood." Ophelia scoffs.

"God, do you hear yourself?" Nathan grimaces. "You know that she would never hurt you -- not intentionally. She loves you, she fucking admires you. Do you wanna know what she's most worried about? You and Larissa hating her. Sam hating her. And she has an eating disorder which I'm not gonna fucking enable by hating her. If she needs food, I'm gonna get her food."

"Whose side are you on?" Ophelia questions.

"Both." Nathan says.

"Both isn't an option." Ophelia rolls her eyes.

"I know you're hurt, but you're being a bit unreasonable. I know you know you are." Nathan says.

"Nathan." Ophelia raises her eyebrow.

Nathan sighs, staring at his girlfriend. He purses his lips, looking down at the food in his hands, his heart clenching at the thought of Libby. Her lying in her bed, guilt ridden, assured he doesn't hate her. He can't push her further over the edge.

"I love you, Lia." Nathan states. "I do, I really love you. And when somebody or something attacks you, I won't hesitate to protect you. But I can't hate her. I'm not gonna hate her. You don't hate Sam this much, you know it's unfair to hate Libby this much. Evie's right -- about everything."

Ophelia rolls her lips into her mouth, watching Nathan leave. She ignores the sting in her eyes and the aching in her chest.

Nathan gets to Libby's room, the girl sitting in her bed, resting against the headboard.

"Here." He gives her the food and drink. "That's... what, 2 food groups? We'll get you protein for dinner."

"And fruit and vegetables." Billy adds from his spot on the bean bag chair.

"Thanks." Libby mumbles. "You know, you guys realize you can let me be alone for a few seconds."

"I could, I don't want to." Evie says.

Billy and Nathan share a look, Evie being the only one to not notice.

"Yeah, no." Nathan shakes his head.

"I had to be under surveillance, so do you." Billy says.

Libby sighs.

"You love us." Nathan grins, ruffling the brunette's hair and kissing her on top of the head.

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