085. young love

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"Hey." Dean greets, walking into the kitchen where Sam and Larissa are.

"Hey." Sam greets.

"You know they still put, um, jokes on the backs of these things." Dean says, holding a cereal box. "Listen to this one... what's round and bad tempered? A vicious circle." Dean grins, but sees their unamused looks. "Cause it's..." He makes an angry motion and a circle.

"Yeah, I... I... wait a second, did you eat the whole box?" Sam asks.

"Yeah. Yeah. Because I'm a champion." Dean says.

"Wait a second. So I've been looking for signs of... of God or... or Lilith and you've been in your room, eating cereal." Sam says.

"And marathoning Scooby-Doo." Dean adds making Larissa roll her eyes. "Well, did you find anything?"

"No, not yet." Sam says.

"Shocker." Dean remarks. He eats some cereal out of the box before spitting it back into the box and grabs a box of Cocoa Crunch.

"You're disgusting." Larissa tells him while making a mental reminder to throw the one cereal out.

"Any visions lately?" Dean asks.

"No. No, I haven't had a vision since Colorado. I think maybe they stopped." Sam says.

"Oh, I doubt it." Dean argues. "Not until Chuck gets his end game, you know? The Winchester Bowl. Cain and Able 2.0. This is God we're talking about. G-O-D. Wouldn't be too worried about finding him. He'll find us." Dean leaves.

"Okay. You know what? We need a break from all the God stuff." Larissa says.

"What?" Sam asks.

"You're just gonna drive yourself bonkers, Sammy." Larissa says. "And... what I'm about to suggest is not the most therapeutic thing, but it gets your mind off Chuck."

"Which is what?" Sam asks.

"Go to Rowena's place. Get some stuff, maybe clean it out. Stop putting it off. Rally a couple of the kids to help out. If not all the kids." Larissa says. "By kids I mean teenagers and the 20 something dude who insists he isn't a child."

"Legally, he isn't." Sam says.

"He's still a child." Larissa insists. "But follow my advice."

"Yeah, I know." Sam mumbles. "Yeah. Yeah, sure, it-- yeah. Might help clear my head a little."

"Yes. Exactly. And if that doesn't work, I have plenty of other ideas to get your mind off Chuck." Larissa smiles, kissing him on the jaw.

"Let's go test those ideas out first." Sam says, grabbing her hand, dragging her to the bedroom.


Sam, Larissa, Billy, and Daphne get to Rowena's place and go inside, stopping at the woman's dead body on the floor.

"Who's that?" Daphne asks.

"I don't know." Sam frowns, sharing a concerned look with his wife. Sam crouches next to the body and pulls the collar of her jacket back to reveal a tattoo. "Wait a second." She mumbles.

"What, some goth chick?" Billy asks.

"No, close." Sam says. "I recognize that. It's from the "Ordo maleficarum.""

"Oh, come on, we gotta deal with more witches." Billy whines.

"Yeah." Sam mumbles. "Look like she tore this place apart. Maybe she got into something shouldn't have. Maybe we should just come back later."

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