088. lost hope

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They're at a casino and Sam is sitting in a chair with his wrists tied to the arms of it. Larissa is sitting in a chair, a few feet across from him, but isn't restrained. Libby and Ethan are both held to their chairs by an invisible hold from Chuck and their chairs are off to the side.

Sam wakes up, fighting against the restraints.

"Hi, Sam." Chuck greets, standing next to Larissa. Sam looks at him before glancing at Larissa. He makes sure she has no injuries before he looks over at Libby and Ethan, Libby weakly struggling against the invisible hold.

"Dad--" Libby starts.

"No." He cuts her off, Libby immediately assuming he's mad. "No, it isn't your fault." Sam tells her, giving her a reassuring look. "Was it?" He glares at Chuck.

"Well, you know, I-- I couldn't see you guys. I needed to-- to catch up, you know? I hate missing my favorite show." Chuck says, walking over and standing in front of Sam.

"So I was right. You're weak." Sam says.

"Well, I wouldn't say weak, exactly. I mean, I pinata'd Hell. But, yeah, you figured it out. We're connected by these wounds. Which," Chuck chuckles, "annoying, right? And as long as we are, I'm stuck in this world. But you know what they say..." Chuck holds up a scalpel. "All good things must come to an end."


"Come on, Sam!" Dean exclaims, taking his phone away from his ear.

"Have you tried Larissa?" Cas asks.

"Yeah. Same thing -- no answer." Dean says.

"She won't even answer me." Ophelia says. "Libby hasn't picked up any calls either. Ethan's not answering."

"What, you think he's with them?" Nathan asks.

"Maybe." Ophelia shrugs.

"Libby has found a new interest in teaming up with her lover boy." Daphne remarks, smirking.

"Ugh. Don't ever call him that." Billy grimaces, only adding to his sister's amusement.

"None of them are answering." Evie frowns, watching her phone ring as her sister still doesn't pick up.

"Well, maybe they just have their hands full with the case." Cas suggests.

"Yeah. Or they're in trouble." Dean says.


"What are you doing?" Sam asks.

"Our wounds aren't healing properly. Because of you. It's as if there's something festering inside of you, something that won't let go." Chuck says while unbuttoning Sam's plaid, pulling his shirt down to reveal his wound.

Since his back is turned, Larissa quietly gets her phone out. She sees missed calls from Dean, Evie, Ophelia, and Jacob and clicks on Evie's contact since she's the most recent one.

"Now, I can't see it. I can't snap it away. But I know it's there." Chuck says while Larissa slips her phone back into her pocket.

"So, what, are you gonna just cut it out?" Sam asks.

"Hey, good idea." Chuck says. He leans in front of Sam, getting ready to cut the wound. "You're so helpful, Sam. Now sit still. I don't really know what I'm looking for here, so this might get messy."

"No, no, no." Libby mumbles, fighting against the invisible hold more.

Chuck stops just before the scalpel touches Sam's wound.

"I think we have an audience." Chuck says. He gets up, turning to Larissa. "Really, Lissy? Really?" He asks. Larissa pokes her tongue into her cheek while Chuck pulls her phone out of her pocket.

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