31 [] Can you trust yourself?

22 1 11

TW: Nausea

Espresso jerked awake as he heard the sudden voice.

"Hello - ?"

Espresso looked around. He thought he just needed some coffee. He got up from his desk and dragged himself out the door and into the kitchen.

Espresso started making his coffee as he looked outside. The street lights were on, and it was quiet. He made his coffee and sat down on the couch as he drank it.

“Hello dear friend!”
Then Espresso felt the lightest tap on his shoulders.
"AH - !? "

Espresso turned around to see a shadow figure. He thought it was another dream. But it didn't feel like a dream.

Can we talk about how these look scrumptious “”

“Ah, dont worry, this isn't another dream!”
The figure said, walking around him. They kept changing into different forms of different cookies.

Some he knew, some he didn't. The figure changed from Pure Vanilla, Sparkling, Latte, and any other cookies. Causing Espresso to be a bit nauseous.

"Who - who are you?"

Espresso asked, staring at the figure holding his coffee cup.

“No one. But I know practically  all about you.”
The figure says, shifting into Madeleine.

“I dare say you were quite brave when you pushed that fellow down the stairs. Hopefully, that won't put you on edge that I mentioned  it will it?”

The shadow said, shifting into Eclair.

“Your next target should be Eclair. He's basically taking all the attention from you.”

"But I didn't even mean to push - "

“Ah! Shhhh! Dont worry, you dont have to lie to me!”

The figure interrupted espresso. Espresso put his cup on the small table in front of the couch. The figure is shifting into Latte next.

“And your dear sister! Well, I dont have much to say about her.”

The shadow began staring at Espresso for a long while. Even though it didn't have eyes or any physical features. It felt uneasy.

“How starved you are for other cookies. Yet, you can't do it. You can't go outside. You need your closest friends at all times. You're worthless.”

Espresso watched as the figure slowly changed to him.

“Yet you can't bring yourself to be like them. You can barely even hold a conversation without listening for half the time.”

The figure paused.

“Though, your biggest enemy is. . . Yourself!”

Espresso started to object, but the shadow figure quickly started fading away.

“Well, toodles! Also, Im taking your coffee!”

Espresso watched as the shadow disappeared with his coffee in hand and turned into black mist. Nothing was left in its trace.  He thought for a moment on what it meant by what they said.

He sat there on the couch, looking around to see if it was still there.

"Espresso, who were you talking to. . . ?"

Latte walked into the room, rubbing her eyes as she looked at espresso. Espresso stared at her, trying to make out if it was the shadow or actually her.

"N-nothing. I was j-just sleep walking."

WORDS: 492

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