Chapter 1

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Your's POV

Hi I'm Y/N Y/LN, actually I'm Captain Y/N Y/LN, I'm a member of the US navy.

Many said that I am the greatest leader of all the fleet commander of Navy, but for me we are all equal, I considered myself as one normal soldier fighting for my country.

For me my team and I are equal, ranks is not a base for greatness, I will never take all the credits because all mission that we went to, and successfully accomplished is a product of teamwork, without my team I am nothing, I cannot finish the mission alone.

My team and I is just chilling now because we just finished our mission in Iraq, we successfully saved the tourists who are held hostage by the rebels there.

Maybe your expecting we were chilling with champagne's on our hands celebrating our success? Nah your wrong,

We have a different definition of chilling, by mean chilling on the hospital beds because the injury we got from the mission.

Gunshot wounds which hurts like a bitch by the way, and a few broken bones.

We were just talking about the funniest moments that happened during our mission.

"That moment when scotty here tripped while running towards the enemies its very hilarious its epic" and we laughed at him,

"Hey, its not my fault, you tripped me Johnson" scott whined

"And who was the one who screamed like a girl when a grenade was thrown at us" scott said, we laughed, nice comeback scott.

"Hey that's one of a kind moment and it's part of my voice lesson and it's effective" he said while singing in falsetto terribly,

"Ok, ok stop now johnson your making my ears bleed" I said and they laughed,

"Your a meanie Y/LN" he said and we just laughed,

"What is the most badass move was Y/N's, when she dressed like one of the enemy inorder to save the victims" Jerkins said,

"But I will not forget that you hit me with a freaking M16 on my stomach it freaking hurts so much" I whined

"Sorry about that Y/LN, I didn't know its you" he defended,

I just laughed, yep this is my elite team, we're one of a kind team.

My team consist of:

Cmdr. Scott Y/LN, 20 years old, my big brother don't ask why did I have a higher rank than him.

Lt. Claudius Johnson, 21 years old

Lt. Steven Jerkins, 23 years old

Lt. Cmdr. Nicholas Parker, 20 years old

Lt. Justin Clarke, 22 years old

Lt. Davidson Smith, 22 years old

And me Captain Y/FN Y/LN, 19 years old. I am the youngest Navy who are promoted as Captain, its really amazing but the responsibilities are big, I have to lead this 6 men who are older and deserving in this position I have now but they said that I'm a great leader and I must lead the group even my brother agreed, we were inseparable since then, they are my bestfriends and my big bro's.

It saddens me when smith didn't make it, he saved our lives by sacrificing his life by laying on top of the grenade, a very heroic act.

We were all hurt but my teammates just acquired minor injuries while me I have broken leg and a broken left arm, I've been shot on the shoulder, arm, and chest. A bruised face, I acquired all this with that 3 day rescue operations.

Saved By a Voice (Lauren/you)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن