Chapter 6

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Your POV

We're really screwed this was not part of the plan, if we just search for a better hiding spot none of this would happen.

"What do we do with this people Captain?" Parker asked

"Tie them" I said, this was giving me a headache.

"What do we do now, if we let this people go they will gonna tell to their leaders that we're here and we're fucking screwed!" Clarke said raising his voice.

"But we cannot kill these people, I can't kill a fucking child! I don't wanna be murderer!" Parker said,

"Yeah they kinda look like innocent to me" Jerkins said, my head is spinning in what are they saying. This is giving me a major headache.

"No uh-uh you're not going anywhere" Johnson said as he pulled the mid twenties man by the shirt as he tried to escape.

The man glared at us then keep squirming on the rope.

"Then what do we do with them?! Let them go and what? So that they can report that we are here and let them chase after us and ourselves get killed? They are fucking Isis they have no mercy!" Clarke continued to shout

"Shut the fuck up!!" I shouted they stared at me wide eyed because this is the first time that they heard me swear.

"You're giving me a headache, will you please be calm, let's settle this calmly" I said composing myself and they calmed down.

"Thank you" I said. "We are not gonna kill them because it will make the situation worse" I said

"B-but-" I cut Clarke off of about what he will gonna say.

"Shush Clarke," I said, "but we will have to bargain them their freedom, we will make an agreement with them that we will let them go, if they will not tell the Isis that we are here" I said.

"That's the stupidest plan ever! What are you? A fucking kindergarten?" Clarke shouted at me.

"Do you have a brilliant plan then?" I asked him calmly that made him shut up.

"No" he said in embarrassment.

"Well you have to stick to my plan" I said.

"I will be the one who will talk to them" Scott volunteered.

"Okay Scott" I said.

"Jerkins contact the head quarters, we need to pull out this mission" I commanded,

"Aye Captain" he said then pulled out the satellite phone from his belt then tried to contact the head quarters.

"Captain I can't contact the headquarters, the signal here is low we need to get to the higher ground" he said.

I sighed, "fine we need to get to the high ground" I said then I walked towards Scott who are talking to the shepherd, the shepherd just nod her head and when they are freed from the rope the shepherd man thanked us and he walked away looking thankful, but the man is glaring at us then he run on the opposite direction.

"Boys we gotta get moving quickly" I said.

As we immediately make our way up in the mountain,

"We need to double time" I said as we hike, looking at my back,

"Watch your backs, you'll never know maybe the Isis are tailing on us now" I said.

"Yeah I feel that too" Scott said

"How can you say that captain?" Parker asked

"Combat instinct" I said.

"Captain sorry about my outburst earlier" Clarke apologizes to me.

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