Chapter 40

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Your POV

I can't believe that Lauren is now mine, she said yes when I asked her to go out with me. Well our date was just simple, where we went to dinner and watch movies and stuff, that's all but for the two of us it was special.

We announced to the public that we are official through twitter and I am happy that the fans accept us, the harmonizers trend our ship name all over the world.

The tour is continuous and we barely had a break but we still manage to make time with each other, sometimes after the show we are having a movie marathon with the lads and the girls. Life is so great right now. But I haven't told Lauren yet of how she saved us from hopelessness in the time when the ISIS captured us.

We've just finished our number and we went backstage, I saw my beautiful girlfriend there getting ready for their show backstage, she saw me and she smiled at me.

"Hey" she said, she wrapped her arms around my neck then pecked my lips, I smiled.

"Hey, I wanted to say good luck" I said and it was her turn to smile.

"Thanks babe, and I wanted to say that you guys totally killed your performance, and I am very proud of that" she said.

"Well thanks babe" I said and I put my forehead against her forehead.

"Oi! You two, stop being so cutesy to each other and Lauren we are going to perform in 5 minutes" Dinah said.

"Okay Dinah I am going" Lauren said while rolling her eyes and I just chuckled and gave her a peck on her lips.

"Go break a leg babe" I told her and she smiled and went to the girls.

Time flies fast and its already Lauren and I's 5th monthsary, of course I've prepared a special picnic for her, and that time we are going to perform in Miami, I've met her parents and I was s glad that they are supportive parents, they are totally approve of our relationship and very supportive.

Well during tour, you will never avoid pranks, knowing that Dinah was known as the prank queen, one time she pranked us, she put a stink bomb on our tour bus, not only that, she replaced our toothpaste with anchovy paste, good thing I was not a victim on it, it was Drew who was victimized by it he emptied two bottles of mouthwash just to get rid the smell of it, and she put a green dye on Scott's shampoo, scott spent a week with a green hair, she replaced a whipped cream in nick's shave cream and I was victimized with Molasses and feather, Clarke was victimized by drinking a soda with a mix of soysauce in it.

"Dinah Jane Hansen, you're so dead!" We yelled in unison.

Dinah and the girls was just laughing at us.

Game on Fifth Harmony, we said and we spent the rest of the day planning a revenge on the girls.

"So what's the plan Captain?" Drew asked.

The girls have their winning grin on their faces even my girlfriend.

"No one's gonna get away with this, nobody pranks Y/N Y/LN without getting away with this" I told the boys.

"So what do we do now?" Scott asked playing with his now green hair.

"Well goo thing I have my prank kit" I told them.

"You dou?" They asked in unison.

"Uh huh, here it is boys" I said putting down a medium sized box. The box contained six nerf guns, balloon and nerf gun ammos.

"You're really the best Capt!" Drew said while checking out the nerf guns.

"Gear up boys, revenge plot begins" I told them.

We changed into our camouflage pants, combat boots, grey muscle shirt. I put a camouflage bandana on my head and I put extra nerf bullet on my bag that was attached to my waist and the boys and I fill some of the balloons with water mixed with honey and molasses, some of the balloons contains flour and we also made water bombs.

We put the balloons above the ceiling of the studio where the girls are going to rehearse.

"I'm in position over" I heard scott say through earpiece.

"Wait for my signal" I told them, we are hiding in a place where we can hide.

"The girls entered the room and starterd to rehearse, I let the few minutes passed.

"Now!" I yelled and we started to fire our nerf gun at them.

"Hey stop" I heard dinah say while laughing, then we threw the water bomb, it was better than the stink bomb.

The girls shrieked.

"Shoot the balloons now" I said and we shoot the balloons falling into the girls making them shriek, because of the coldness and stickiness of it, they are also covered in flour.

After our revenge, we got out from our hiding place, laughing our asses off.

"Never ever mess with us D-mac" I told her and she just rolled her eyes then we all laugh.

"Revenge is sweet" I said and the girls groaned, the lads and I highfived

"No its a bitch" Dinah said and we laughed. But sean was not happy to the mess we've made.

We are waiting for the girls to finish showering so we can start our rehearsals again, then one of the crew approached me and handed me a letter with my name on it and the seal.

When I read the letter my face became emotionless and my whole well-being felt cold because this is the letter that I am so dreaded to receive. This means that it is time for us to go back to the reality, to go back to the service.

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