Chapter 12

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Scott's POV

One week later...

One week later and I can't still believe that really happen, being held captured by the Isis and tortured to death was terrifying.

Right now we are recovering from our injuries from our recent mission. Our cuts reminds us the living nightmare we have experienced in the hands of the Isis. Thanks to my sister for being a quick thinker, she deviced a plan quickly, sending Jerkins to go to the US military base, sadly she hasn't wake up yet.

Jerkins told me that my sister was the most critical from the five of us, I woke up two days after we've been rescued, Clarke, Johnson and parker woke up next to me with a time gap of just one hour same day.

But unfortunately for my sister, she's the worst condition of us all, I saw her beaten by the leaders of the Isis, I want to defend her but someone was beating me up also.

And I am amazed to her more when she manage to calm us down by singing a soothing song for us.

"Captain, when are you gonna wake up, life is boring without you" Parker said.

"Shut up parker, you're gonna wake her up" Johnson said.

"That's what I am trying to do for a week, she's sleeping for too long now" Parker said.

"Idiots" I said rolling my eyes playfully. We are currently here at Y/N's room, hanging out since we missed her,

"I hope she wakes up now" I heard Jerkins said.

"Yeah Jerkins me too" I said sighing,

"Johnson sing a song maybe that will wake Captain up" parker suggested.

"Ugh shut up you too, we will get banned in here if you keep doing that" I said getting annoyed by them. We are all in a wheel chair
Since we are still recovering from our wounds and some broken bones.

Then Johnson started to sing terribly.

You use to call me on my cellphone
Late night when you need my love
Call me on my cellphone
Late night when you need my love
And I know with that hotline bling
That can only mean o-...

But Johnson's singing was cut off when we heard someone croaked.

"Shut up Johnson, you're making my ears bleed" someone croaked Clarke, Jerkins and I smiled while  parker looked at Y/N in disbelief, same as johnson.

"Captain! You're awake" we said in unison, so happy to see her awake.

"Of course i'm awake, I woke up two days ago but because of the medicine they injected to me, it makes me sleepy" she said her voice is still hoarse. I gave her an ice chips to moist her lips and throat.

"Thanks bro" she said in her normal voice.

"So how are you all?" She asked

"The fact that we are captured by the Isis and beaten almost to death, we're fine" Clarke said sarcastically then Y/N rolled her eyes playfully.

"Still the sarcastic Clarke I knew" she said then smiled.

We all smiled.

"You're unbelievable Y/N, you can still smile even after you are just beaten almost to death" Parker said.

"And you're still the joker parker even you were captured by the Isis.

We laughed and then winced except Jerkins, we forgot about our injured torso.

"It really sucks when you have an injured torso" Y/N said,

"Agreed" we all said and Jerkins laughed at us.

"Shut up Jerkins you're really such a jerk" we all said in unison.

"Okay I'll stop" he said.

"There you all are, what are you doing here?" Dr. Morgan asked us.

"Uh-oh" I said

We looked at each other then smirked.

"It was jerkins' idea" we said in unison, he looked at us

Y/N laughed at us.

"Its good to see you too Captain, we're glad that you're fully awake, so how are you?" Dr. Morgan asked Y/N.

"I'm grand doc" she said then smiled. My sister is really unbelievable sometimes.

"Scott and Y/N your uncle is here"  Lt. Jones said then uncle simon entered.

"We'll leave you three now" dr. Morgan said then get out of the room with Clarke, jerkins, parker and johnson.

"I'm so worried about you two" uncle simon said hugging me then Y/N.

"We're fine uncle" Y/N said.

We just catch up with uncle Simon, and he told us about his record label company and that it was a huge success. We congratulate him. Then he said good bye because he has an important meeting to attend to.

When uncle simon went out Y/N told me that she is tired, I told her to sleep.

She layed down and closed her eyes.

As I am going out, I heard her called my name.

"Scott?" She called.

"Yeah Y/N/N?" I asked

"Please stay here, just for tonight?" She asked me.

I wheeled my wheel chair beside her bed, "sure, good night little sis" I said smiling.

"Good night big bro" she said in a sleepy tone then she closed her eyes, I heard her soft snores. I smiled at my sister.

I put my head on her bed and slept there, I might be sleeping peacefully tonight knowing that everything is alright now.

Another update for today :)
Dedicated to sneekylittlelesbian

Saved By a Voice (Lauren/you)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora