Chapter 35

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Lauren's POV

After Lone survivor's number we entered the stage, but before that we congratulate them, Y/SN gave me a warm smile that made my heart skip a beat.

"You guys did great back there" Ally said hugging nick.

"thank you, so it's your turn now guys so go killed it girls!" Nick said and his bandmates laughed at him.

"Nick we never thought that you could act like a gay" Scott said and we also laughed.

"we will surely gonna slay the show, right girls?" Normani asked us,

"yeah" we said in unison then giggled

"I know you guys will now go on don't make your fans wait" Y/N said and we hugged them quick then went to the stage.

We are so happy to be back in performing again, and now that I have an inspiration to perform not only my family and fans, but there's Y/N now who now made my heart whole again.

We sang the our new songs, Boss, sledgehammer, worth it and all the songs from the album, and we sang some covers and some of the songs from our EP better together.

The show has ended and we are so happy that we gave a good show to the fans.

We proceed to our dressing room with the adrenaline still flowing through our veins, we're still hyper.

"guys we did a great show tonight" Ally said and we nodded our heads, Camila grabbed a banana and sat on the couch.

"The heels are killing my feet but the show is so worth it because we made our fans smile tonight" Dinah said taking off her heels and sat beside Camila and stretched her aching legs.

I got a bottle of water and chugged it down, performing on stage made me thirsty.

"I am wondering where are the lone survivors?" Normani asked

"I don't know, come on let's find them and hang out with them" Dinah said,

"that's a great idea Dinah but let's change our clothes first"Ally said, and we all changed our clothes into a comfortable one, I wore a black 1975 tee and a sweatpants, the girls are wearing their pj's too.

We went to the dressing room of the Lone survivors and when we got outside their door, we can hear their loud laugh and cheers.

"well I guess they are having a good time already" I commented.

"Come on let's join them!" Camila said excitedly and knocked on the door.

"Hold on a sec!" I heard Scotts voice and he opened the door, he gave us a smile, him and his sister are the same, they share the same charming smile, but Y/N's smile gives a massive effect on me, it makes my heart beat like crazy, I haven't felt this before from my ex boyfriends, they are jerks anyway.

"Hey guys! Come in" He greeted us and opened the door wide to let us enter.

"thanks scott, what are you guys doing?" Normani asked scott.

"well we are just playing" Scott said.

"What kind of game are you playing?" Camila asked.

"uhm arm wrestling, you know the usual" Scott said then shrugged.

We saw Y/N and Justin having an arm wrestling match, Claudius and nicholas are cheering for them, my breath hitched when I so Y/N, she's wearing a jersey shorts and a black under armor t-shirt but the sleeve on her right arm showing her biceps, she didn't took off her bandana making her look hot.

"Damn! Y/N looks so fine" Camila whispered to me and I stared at her.

"Chill Lo, I am just saying" Camila said defensively.

"I am not mad Mila" I said and looked at Y/N again, she's smirking at Justin who is having a hard time in taking down Y/N.

"Give up already Clarky, you're not going to win against me" Y/N said then smirked.

"Never! I am going to defeat you Y/LN, I don't want to do a 100 push-ups, I am too lazy" Justin said who is struggling, Y/N looks bored.

"Well that's our rules Clarky" Y/N said still smirking.

"Go Clarke! Defeat Captain I don't want to do push ups with you!" Nicholas cheered at Justin. We laughed at them.

"Go captain!!" Claudius cheered for Y/N, and Y/N defeated Justin. Drew patted her back repeatedly, Nicholas was pouting, and hit Justin's arms. The two laughed at them, we stifled our laughter while Scott was scratching his head

"Man these guys are really dorks, I wonder how did they became a part of the Navy" Scott whispered to himself while scratching his head.

"Guys we've got company!" Scott shouted and his bandmates turned to us, Y/N smiled at us.

"Hey!" She greeted.

"hi Y/N, looks like you guys are having fun, mind if we join you?" I asked them.

"Sure Lauren you're all welcome to join the squad" She said and smiled at us warmly.

They have cleared the couch for us and they sat on the floor.

"Parker and Clarke do a 100 push ups now" Y/N said and the two rolled their eyes and they did a 100 push ups.

After the 100 push ups Justin and Nick was lying on the floor panting.

"You guys are so weak, that's only one hundred Clarke and Parker, that's the proof that you two are already rusted" Y/N said with a laugh

"Your cruel captain" Drew said, and Y/N laughed.

"Uhm... Guys we are getting confused right here, why are you calling Y/N captain here?" Normani politely asked.

The girls nodded, they are also confused except me.

"well to answer that question, don't underestimate this little nugget over here because she is Captain Y/N Y/LN of Navy seals, and we are her squad members" Scott said and their jaw dropped.

"are you kidding us?" The girls asked in unison and they shook their heads.

"Y/N you're too young to become a captain of the Navy seals" Ally said.

"yeah but I love it, I love to save people's lives and serve my country" Y/N said and the group showed their photos and told their stories about what they've been through from the training.

"And Y/N became determined when Hailee broke up with her, Y/N did her best inorder to become what she is now, at a young age" Nicholas told us and Y/N became quiet.

"Guys will you excuse me? I just want to have some fresh air" Y/N said and then walked out of the room, the boys stared at Nick. Nick's eyes was wide, Drew mouthed your dead at Nick and nick gulped and did a peace sign with a sheepish look.

"you just dropped the H bomb" Justin said.

"what just happened? And who's Hailee?" I asked.

"Hailee was Y/N's ex who broke up with her because she's getting famous" Scott said.

I feel angry towards the girl who hurt Y/N, Y/N was an amazing girl and she deserves better, I stood up and followed Y/N, I know she needs me right now.

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