Chapter 11

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Jerkins' POV

I woke up in the infirmary with a dextrose connected on my hand, a heartbeat monitor and oxygen on my nose, and I am now wearing a white tee shirt and pajama bottoms, I sighed in relief meaning i'm okay. I sat up and a military doctor entered the room.

"Glad you're awake Mr. Jerkins, i'm Dr. Jeff Morgan, how are you feeling?" Dr. Morgan asked me as he checked my vital signs

"I'm great, where's my friends?" I asked him.

"They are being rescued now, your friend ali told us where's the base of the rebels, they are going to be here any moment now" the doctor said.

"That's good to hear, how long was I've been out?" I asked.

"You slept for three hours" he said and he wrote something on his clipboard.

Then I heard the chopper arrived outside and I tried to sit up, "hey lie down you might tore your stitches, just rest here you'll see them here" dr. Jeff said and I just nodded my head then a group of paramedics arrived with someone on the stretcher the doctor went there, I forced myself to sit, then when I fully in a sitting position I tried to sneak a peek on the person they are attending to and my heart stopped to see it was the captain, she has a nasty cut everywhere and every inch of her body was full of bruises, then the rest of my teammates arrived in stretcher their conditioned is the same as the captain, I barely recognize their faces, I felt my tears ran down my face, a bunch of paramedics are attending them, doing their best to revive my friends,

I was too late, I was too fucking late, if I was just fast enough, they would've been rescued immediately, they would've been beaten almost to death.

I will never forgive myself if something bad happened to them.

"Commander scott is already stable here" one of the paramedics said, I sighed in relief,

"Lt. Clarke is stable also" I sighed in relief knowing that they are okay now,

"Lt. Cmdr. Parker is stable" I am so happy that they are stable now.

"Lt. Johnson is stable" everything will be okay, that's what I thought, then I saw the doctors who are attending the captain was panicking, then the captains heart monitor flat lined.

"Get the defibrillator, now!" One of the doctor shouted and they immediately get the defibrillator and plugged it.

"Voltage 270, Clear!" The doctor said as he put the pads on the captains chest. Nothing happened.

"Voltage 290, clear!" The doctor tried again and the heart monitor is still flatline.

"Oh no Captain we are not gonna lose you, Clear!" The doctor said.

"Come on captain, clear!" The doctor tried again.

Tears are streaming down my face, they are not receiving any response from the captain.

"I'm not giving up yet, don't give up captain, clear!" The doctor said never giving up.

"Come on Y/N, I know you're a strong girl, fight" I said, I prayed silently.

"Come on, you're not dying on me Captain, clear!" He said as he put it on Y/N's chest again, then they got no response, everybody inside the room fell silent, because we know that there is no hope of reviving the captain, I closed my eyes and contain the sob that is coming out from my throat making it hurt.

Why Y/N why? You are the reason why I found myself, you led me into the right direction when I am lost. How will I tell this to Scott, she's the only one he have and now she's gone.

Then a familiar beep of the monitor took us by surprise.

"She's back!" One of the doctors said. Her heart monitor is beeping again, I looked up and cried in happiness, the whole room rejoiced.

"Welcome back captain!" The doctor who is reviving her earlier said.

"Come on guys let's perform the surgery now" the leader doctor said and I lied down again on my bed, I think I can now sleep peacefully knowing that my friends are alive and stable now.

I closed my eyes and let the darkness succumbed into me.

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