Chapter 22

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Your POV

I am just in my room just lying there and listening to music when my phone rang and it said uncle Simon. I answered the phone.

"Hello uncle?" I answered,

"What go there? Today?" I asked him.

"Okay I'm coming" I said and he hung up.

I immediately changed into black skinny jeans, blue tee and combat boots then I got my helmet and keys.

"Y/N where are you going?" Scott asked.

"Uhm to uncle simon, he said he wanted to tell me something" I said and he nodded, I quickly hopped on my ducati and drive to the SYCO entertainment building.

I greeted Fiona and she have me a smile and greeted back.

I entered the office of uncle simon and I saw him reading some papers.

"Hey Y/N" he said in a thick British accent.

"Hi uncle, what do you want to talk about?" I asked him, he put down the papers he was reading and faced me as I sat on the chair in front of his table.

"I want to talk about the publicity of the band, since you're not exposed on public still" he said.

"What about it?" I asked him curiously.

"Well I have a solution, I want you to date one member of a certain girl group" he said and my jaw dropped.

"What? You want me to date one of your famous singer? Uncle I will not agree, it was a bad idea" I said strongly disagreeing.

"Why is that?" He asked

"Its because, remember Hailee?" I asked him.

"Oh your first girlfriend, what about her?" He asked

"Well I ended up being hurt because she left me when she became famous and I don't want that to happen again" I said.

"But dear, I know that you will not regret in doing this and I assure you" he said and then he smiled.

"No, as in no" I said

"Too bad, the girl that you are about to date agreed now and theres no turning back" he said and I was shocked again, she agreed? Why?

"And I will not stop you if you want that person to be your lifetime partner" my uncle said and I just sighed in defeat.

"Fine" I said and he smiled.

"Good, thank you I promise you will not regret it" he said, "you are dismissed" he said and I get out of his office slamming the door.

I immediately hopped on my motor cycle and drove fast, I need to cool down my temper, then I reached a park, I stopped my bike and sat under the shade of a tree, and just think about uncle Simon wants me to do.

He didn't even say who am I going to date, I feel so clueless, what if that girl hates me, or the girl was forced just like I do.

Then I scanned the area of the park and I saw a familiar figure. What is she doing out here? Alone?

I hastily stood up and slowly walk to the bench where she is sitting. I slowly sat on the bench but I keep my distance, but I guess she didn't feel my presence because she keeps talking to herself and throwing some pebbles at the ground, she looks cute though.

"Having a bad day?" I asked and I was met with a surprised green eyed brunette,

"Y/N, what are you doing here?" She asked me.

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