Chapter 15

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Your POV

"Hey guys this is the song that Scott and I composed" I said and showed them the finalized copy.

"Wow Y/N this is good" Clarke said amazed by the lyrics.

"Yeah I agreed, what's the inspiration behind this song by the way?" Johnson asked.

"The inspiration behind that song was the struggles and pain we've been through as a team when we are doing mission" I explained briefly, "and the battle scars we acquired from it" I added.

"Wow, this is really great, let's practice it" Parker suggested.

"Okay" I said.

The whole car ride was fun because we just sang the song playfully, we stopped when scott pulled the car up on the parking lot of SyCo.

"Hey I noticed we are all wearing leather jackets and dressed like a punk band" Parker noted and we laughed as we entered the building.

"Whoa this is huge" Clarke said amazed, we laughed at him.

"Yeah it really is, come on uncle is waiting for us" I said then when I turned around I saw two girls staring at us, no let me rephrase it, staring at me. Somehow the small brunette looks familiar, where did I saw her? Then I remembered, I saw her on the club, she's friends with the green eyed beauty.

I smiled, we walked on the corner and I felt two presence following us.

"Can you feel it? Someone's following us" Parker said.

"Don't worry, they're harmless" I said with a smile.

"How can you say that Captain?" Clarke asked.

"Because they are just two curious girls and don't call me captain because we are not in the service just call me by my first name Justin" I said calling him by his first name.

"Its really weird though, I am used to call you by your last name though" Parker said

And I just shrugged my shoulders. We entered the recording studio and we see that uncle simon is waiting for us, he smiled and stood up when he saw us, I didn't close the door because I know that the two girls will take a peek on us.

"Y/N! Scott! You came" simon said happy to see us.

He hugged scott first then hugged me, as I hug him I whispered something to him.

"There's a two girls on the door uncle simon let them enter" I whispered.

Uncle simon looked at the door briefly at the door then smiled.

"That's 2/5 of the band called fifth harmony, don't worry I'll let them enter" he said and I smiled.

"Uncle this are Justin, Nicholas and Claudius" I introduced them.

"Nice to meet you" uncle simon said then shook their hand individually.

"Nice to meet you too sir" they said in unison.

"Let me hear your song" uncle simon said and we entered the recording booth.

I saw him calling the two beautiful girls to come inside.

"Are they gonna watch us?" Johnson asked.

"Yeah why? Nervous?" I asked him

"Yeah" he said

"Don't worry you'll do great" I said then uncle simon gave us a thumbs up.

Then Scott started the first verse.

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