Chapter 16

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Lauren's POV

"Lauren have you seen dinah and camila?" Ally asked me. I sighed,

"I have seen them earlier, but they are a little mad at me because I didn't tell them that Brad and I are a thing" I said sadly and ally gave me a sympathetic smile.

"Maybe they are just disappointed that you didn't tell them earlier" ally said.

"Yeah maybe" I said then sighed.

"How about the girl you  saw on the club? I thought you like her?" Ally asked

"I like her, I really do, but its been almost three months since I saw her, I need to move on" I said.

"Okay but what if you saw her again? What will you do?" Ally asked. And I shrugged my shoulder not knowing what to do when that happens.

"Walz they are really hot!" We heard Dinah's voice and ally and I looked at our backs, we saw Camila and Dinah walking and talking to each other.

"I know D-mac" Camila said

"But you know Y/N is the hottest of them all" Dinah said again,

"I know but Dinah shut up, someone likes her already" Camila said.

"Hello to you two, what are you talking about" ally asked them. I stared at them.

"Nothing we just met some hottie here" Dinah said and she looked at me then smirked and then looked at Camila.

"Yeah, and Y/N is her name" Camila said like she was hinting something, she stared at me then smirked too.

"Oh? But why are you staring at me like that" I asked them, not annoyed but wondering.

"Nothing" they said in unison smirking, ally and I stared at each other then shrugged.

"Wait you're not mad at me anymore?" I asked them.

"We're not mad at you anymore Lauren, but you know Brad he's a douche bag, but if he makes you happy then I'll let him date you, if he hurt you, i will give him a massive polybeat down" Dinah said and I gave her a grateful smile.

"But there's someone much better than him anyway" I heard Camila mumbled.

I just look away, Brad can be  really sweet but sometimes he's really cocky and full of himself, we've been dating for almost three months now.

"Chancho text her already" Dinah told to camila whining.

"Text who?" Ally asked.

"Y/N" they said in unison then laughed.

"Wait you met Y/N here in SyCo right? But what is she doing here?" I asked them.

"Uhm she belongs in a band with four really hot guys, Simon wants to sign them in his record label" Dinah said.

"Yeah and I must admit, they are really good, their band name is the lone survivors" camila said.

"Camila text her now" dinah commanded on Camila.

"Yeah I already texted her, and she replied" camila squealed.

"What did she say?" Dinah asked.

I just walked away from them shaking my head.

Your POV

Camila is fun to text with, I kept thinking why her face seems familiar, then I remembered where I saw her. She's the girl I saw on the club, she's friends with Lolo, maybe I asked her about the green eyed beauty.

I smiled when I remembered her beautiful face, and it makes my day even better.

I hopped off my bed and folded the blankets neatly.

After that I entered the bathroom for a shower.

After I got out of the shower I walked to my closet and I chose an outfit for today. And after I am satisfied with my outfit I make my way downstairs.

I saw that the lads is ready to go also,

"Hey guys good morning" I greeted them with a smile.

"Good morning Captain, looking good as always" Johnson commented

"Thank you Claudius, and don't call me Captain since we are not in the service, we are bandmates now" I said,

"But don't call me Claudius either, I like Drew better" Johnson said while eating his cereal, I laughed at him.

"Okay, drew I forgot you like your middle name better" I said while I pour myself a cereal in a bowl then started to eat.

After we finished our breakfast we are ready to head to the studio.

"I can't believe it my dream is finally happening" Johnson said excitedly.

"Yeah, I am not expecting this, me being in a band with my squadmates in the navy" Clarke said and we laughed.

"So guys what about our music?" Scott asked.

"What about it?" I asked.

"What kind of music are we making?" He asked.

"How about any kind of music? Just random" I said and they just nodded.

"That's a great idea" parker said.

"So do you have a songs in mind?" I asked them.

"Uhm I already composed one" Clarke said.

"That's great Clarke, because I know we will start to record our own songs as long as we signed the contract" I said. And we just spend the rest of the drive sharing our music ideas.

Lauren's POV

We woke up early because we have a meeting again today.

Simon wants us to meet the new band named lone survivors, why the heck did they name their band like that? Its not an ugly name for a band its just I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.

Brad and I had a fight last night, we had a date last night and he can't stop flirting with the waitress.

And the annoying part was he dropped me off on the street in the middle of the night, ugh!! Why did I date him anyway? The girls are right he is such a douche bag. I called ally to fetch me, right now he keeps texting of how sorry he was for acting like that last night, and I just ignored his calls and text messages.

"What took them so long? I want to go back to sleep" I said and the girls just stared at me.

"Be patient Lolo, they're gonna be here any moment" Ally said.

And I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah and you're gonna see someone you're longing to see for the past three months" Camila said hinting something, Dinah smirked at me and high fived Camila. Normani, ally and I stared at them in confusion.

Then the door in the conference room opened and four boys entered the room, they looked familiar, then I remembered I saw them from the club, hanging out with the girl I like, what are they doing here? I just stared at them

"Sorry we're late Uncle Simon" the brown haired guy apologized

"Its okay, take your seat" simon said

"And where's your sister scott?" Simon asked at the brown haired guy.

"I'm here uncle" an angelic voice said and the girls and I stared at the direction of the door where the voice came from and my breath hitched and my heart raced.

Its her, what is she doing here? I asked to myself.


Maybe I cannot update more too often now because school just started now.

I will try my best to update this and my other stories.

Sorry for this boring chapter. :)

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