Chapter 45

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Your POV

I went back to barracks after the talk with the commander. When I entered room I saw that my friends are still wide awake. Scott was on his bunk bed reading a book, Jerkins was skyping his wife and daughter, Johnson and Parker was playing a game in their tablet and Clarke is just lying on his bed but still awake.

They looked at me and asked me how did my talk to the commander went.

"So what did commander told you?" Scott asked putting down the book he was reading and stared at me.

"Well we need to start packing" I told them.

"Why? Did we get another mission out of the country?" Clarke asked.

"Yes" I nodded grimly.

"Where is it this time?" Jerkins asked.

"Iraq, we are going to help those refugees who was stuck in wars there, and rescue those who was held hostage by the terrorist" I told them

"Oh? Well let's pack the essentials, it seems that you're not happy" scott said.

"Well its because its different, I have Lauren now and the fact that I am working with Miller" I said and Scott just gave me a sympathetic look and pat my shoulder, we packed the things we just need and went to sleep.

The morning came and we woke up early for the daily exercise and morning 4 mile run, I really missed those.

After the exercises we took a shower then changed into type A uniform, which was the camouflage and we proceeded to cafeteria to grab our breakfast.

After eating we went to our barracks and dressed into full battle gear. A small backpack on my back and I am holding my helmet.

I kept a picture of Lauren on one of the pockets of my uniform and I went out of my room. It was only 0930H so we are just sitting on the bench waiting for the chopper to arrive.

I fished my phone out of my pocket and decided to face time Lauren just to say a temporary good bye.

Lauren answered the phone in just two rings and I saw her beautiful face on the screen, she had the biggest smile on her face but it was replaced with frown when she saw me.

"Hey love" I greeted her with a smile.

"Hey babe, what's going on? Why are you wearing your full battle gears?" She asked curiously.

"Well about this? Uhm... The guys and I have a mission in Iraq, I don't know how long will it take before we can go back here" I told her sadly of course she was shocked and tears started pooling in her eyes.

"No, just no, Y/N you almost got killed in your last mission in Syria and here you go again, doing dangerous mission, no Y/N I won't let you go to Iraq" She said while tears running down her face.

"Aww don't cry love, its my job to save the innocent people Lauren, I love my job, please understand me" I told her calmly.

"No! What if you got killed there Y/N and you came back to me in a box, no I can't bear it you know, please don't go" she begged.

"Aww, please baby, don't be like that, you're making it harder for me" I told her with my voice cracking.

"You're making it harder for me too you know? What if you don't come back here? What if you got killed there for me for good? You'll break my heart, no just please don't go" she said and tears start to run down my face too.

"Lo, it is my job, I wanted to help people who was caught up between war, they are innocent, I promise I'll come back to you, alive and well, please wait for me there, can you do that for me?" I asked her.

"Y/N you promised that you will always text me or call me, but how can you do that if you're miles away from here and you'll be busy fighting there? What will you choose? You're job? Or me?" She asked with an intimidating tone, she is making me choose between my job and her but I really hope that she understand it.

"Babe, I can't choose between the two, both of the choices are so important to me" I told her and I am already crying now.

"Don't Babe me, choose" she said.

"Please Babe don't let me choose" I pleaded.

"No Y/N choose" she said.

"Hey Lauren are you breaking up with me? Please don't be like that" I told her.

"Well if I am not going to let you choose you might break my heart to pieces, I can't bear seeing you inside a coffin Y/N, I am just saving my heart from another potential heartbreak you know that, being cheated on is more bearable than you dying in a war" she said.

"Please Lauren, don't give up, I may be gone for a couple of months heck! Even  for a couple  of years fighting in that war but I promise that I will come home to you alive and not inside a box, please don't give up, wait for me"
I told her, begging and also crying.

"Now I know what you chose" she said then she ended the call.

I tried to call her again but her phone was already off.

I wiped the tears away from my eyes and composed myself. I understand Lauren completely, she was just shock because of the news, she haven't said that were over yet and I am very confident that we are not over.

I stood up and went to the soldiers who are forming in the airport, the choppers just arrived, I approached them and I saw that Scott was the platoon leader of the 1st platoon, Jerkins was the platoon leader of the 2nd platoon, Johnson was the platoon leader of 3rd platoon, parker on the 4th platoon, Clarke on the 5th platoon and I am their company commander. I am commanding the Bravo company since Miller wants to command the Alpha Company.

"Okay Bravo company listen up! I know you are all aware what and where our mission is am I right?" I asked them.

"Aye ma'am" they responded.

"I am telling you that our mission there is not like a walk in the park, its not an easy mission, I know that some of you here are just newbies, who are fresh grad from their BUDs training but even you are just new here, try your best, we will help each other's backs, remember we are all siblings, we treat each other as brothers and sisters, in the battlefield there is no superiority, all of us are equal do you understand?" I asked again.

"Hooyah!" They responded with determination.

"Let's help all the refugees that was captured by the terrorist!" I told them and they cheered.

"Soldiers I may not be able to protect all of you, but I promise that as your captain, I will be the one who will step out off the chopper and I will be the last who will board the chopper at the end of the fight" I told them they cheered and Scott looked at me proudly.

They formed a column file and entered the choppers that are provided for us. I am the last one who boarded the chopper. As we ascended to the sky I am staring at the distance. Telling myself that I will come back here alive and not in a box. I will come back for Lauren. I will fulfill my promise.

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