Chapter 23

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Lauren's POV

After I told the girls about that fake dating thing, I told them that I needed a time for myself and then I got out of the house and hailed a cab, whenever I am pissed or lonely, I always go here in the park to think and clear my thoughts,

I sat on the bench and just think, then I felt someone sat beside me but I just ignored the person and continued to vent my frustration by throwing some pebbles.

"Having a bad day?" A familiar voice asked me, I looked at her then there I saw Y/N sitting beside me.

"Y/N what are you doing here?" I asked her surprised

"Just cooling off my head" she said and then shrugged.

"Why? You're having a bad day like me?" I asked her

"Yeah, so tell me Lauren why are you having a bad day?" She asked me

Then my mood became bitter when she asked that but I told her anyway.

"Well simon called and he said he would like to meet me in his office, and long story short he told me he wants me to fake date with someone for that person's group and my group's publicity" I told her my tone was obviously annoyed.

"Oh okay, you should've said no if you don't like to do it" she said.

"But I didn't know why did I agreed to it" I said and then I heard a heartiful laugh and I pouted but truthfully my heart was really beating fast.

"That was funny" she said and I hit her arm.

"That was not funny" I said and she composed herself.

"What about you though? Why are you having a bad day?" I can't help myself but ask.

"Its the same situation as you" she said then I leaned my back on the bench.

"I guess we have the same fate" I said bitterly, but right now I will be grateful to simon if he set me up on dating Y/N rather than anyone else on the music industry. Ugh! I really hate this.

"Hey cheer up Lo, its not the end of the world, but I am wondering why did the girl agreed to do the fake dating thing with me though" she said wondering and it was my turn to laugh at her then theres comfortable silence, I can stay like this forever, I feel so comfortable whenever I am with Y/N.

"Why waste this beautiful day by thinking such nonsense problem if we can spend the day problem free?" She said randomly.

"What do you mean?" I can't help myself but ask.

"You know just hang out? And since we didn't able to get to know each other the other day?" She suggested

"I think that's a cool idea" I said

"Great so do you have a car with you?" She asked me

"Actually no, I just rode a taxi" I said

"I have my bike with me, is that okay?" She asked

"I've never ridden on a bike before" I said

"Really?" She asked me surprised

"Yes, and I want to ride one" I said

"And I will be honored to give you your first bike ride experience" she said grinning and I smiled widely.

We walked on to her bike, she gave me her extra helmet.

"Thank you" I said and I wore the helmet and rode at the back of her bike. I put my hands on her shoulder but she removed my hand on her shoulders and wrapped my arms around her torso.

I felt her shiver when he touched my hand while my heart beat fast, I guess that's a good thing.

I enjoyed the whole bike ride because the fact that I am so close to her and she smell so good.

When we arrived to our destination, I was amazed because I really want to go to this place and play paintball guns.

"Where are we Y/N?" I asked.

"This place is a paint ball park, this is gonna be fun" she said.

"I have never been here before" I said and its true

"Really? In that case you should try it its really fun" she said and hold my hand and dragged me towards the hiring booth. She hired two paint guns, its design was like an m16 rifle but instead of bullet it uses paint. She helped me gear up, and she geared up also and gave me my gun. I can tell she was so expert in gun in this, now I am wondering what was she did first before entering music industry.

"So are we going to fight each other?" I asked when we walked into the field.

"Yes and I will defeat you Jauregui" she said with confidence.

"Who said that you will defeat me, maybe its the other way around, maybe you'll go home crying Y/LN" I  said cockily.

"Bring it on Jauregui" she said

"Yeah, totally bring it on Y/LN" I said

Then when we arrived at the battle ground we saw an unexpected person, it was the one and only Brad Simpson with a girl companion, I guess he was on a date.

"I knew it he was cheating all along" I mumbled, and I saw her smirked

"How about change of plan?" She asked me

"What is the plan?" I asked curiously

"Instead of a versus, how about a teamwork" she asked me

"Against who?" I asked.

"Curly boy right there?" Shesuggest and a mischievous grin formed on my lips,

"I guess that's a good idea" I agreed and we find a perfect hiding spot.

We wore our mask and then I saw Y/N shoot at brad like a pro, and it was my turn to shoot and I hit his face and he tripped and fell face first to the ground.

Y/N and I laughed, but then brad has seek revenge and shot Y/N and red paint splat on her chest, I  laughed but I noticed something was wrong, she clutched on her chest, like she was shot with a real gun, I thought she was joking, but it seems she wasn't she doubled over, and hide on the corner and began to whimper.

I tried to call her name, but she start to hyperventilate.

I panicked, I don't know what to do, and I removed my mask and hers was already removed and then kissed her, I felt her relax and her breathing normalize but this will be going to be awkward after this.

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