Chapter 21

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Your POV

The recording session just ended and its doing great, I think the lads are enjoying it. Right now we are heading back to our home.

"Guys I guess our album was going to be a hit" Johnson said.

"Yeah" they agreed.

"Guys do you know that our boy jerkins is going to be married?" Clarke said.

"What? When?" I asked shocked

"I don't know, but he called last night and he said he is going to be married with his girlfriend Jane, I guess they got back together" Clarke said.

"I'm so happy for them" I said,

"Yeah, and we better be invited at his wedding" Scott said and we laughed.

Lauren's POV

Simon called me last night and he said he wanted to meet me and he said its very important.

I am wondering why he called me and he said that I must go here alone, right now I am sitting here in the office waiting for him. I saw Y/N and her bandmates got out of the recording studio earlier, and she looks so hot and beautiful at the same time, I am wondering if she is single right now.

And from what she did for me that night in the club was really brave, that makes me admired her more, or should I say like her more, I can't believe brad would do that to me, and that night I called him, confronted him about wanting to drug me to have his way into me, and he said that Y/N was lying, and I broke up with him last night, we are over.

I really don't know what came on my mind that I dated such a douche bag like him? I don't know, but its in the past right now.

"Hi Lauren" a thick British accent said snapping me out from my thoughts.

"Hello Simon" I greeted with a smile and he smiled back.

"Sorry for making you wait because I just got out from the recording studio and checked the recording session of the lone survivors and its really good" he said with a smile and I smiled at him.

"I bet they make a good music" I said and he nodded.

"But I did not call you to talk about their music, we have some important topic to discuss" he said in a serious tone.

"What is it simon" I asked.

"Well I have a certain artist that needs publicity and I think that you and that particular person is perfect for dating" he said and I stared at him in disbelief.

"What? You want me to fake dating for publicity?" I asked him in disbelief,

"Its not that, it kinda is but just kinda, it will give you a good publicity, and its up to you if you two will make your relationship real" he said

And I am still pissed at what he just said.

"I don't want to do this" I said.

"Its not only for you, its for the sake of other girls too" he said, and I think about the publicity of our group? And the publicity of the person that simon wants me to fake date with.

"Okay I'll agree" I sighed in defeat and simon smiled

"Really? Thank you Lauren for agreeing, I promise that person is not a douche and will treat you with respect" simon said.

"And for how long would I fake date this person?" I asked him.

"As long as you want, and its up to you if you would date that person for real" simon said and smiled.

"So can I go home now?" I asked him.

"Oh yes you are dismissed, and thank you for agreeing Lauren, and I'll just text you the date of when are you going to meet" he said and I walked out the door.

Rob gave me a ride home and I entered the house slamming the door.

"So Lauren what did you and simon talked about?" Ally asked.

"Where's the others?" I asked.

"In the living room watching movies" ally said.

And we went to the living room, I saw Camila and Normani eating some popcorn while watching titanic while Dinah was on her phone reading something.

"Ugh! This left me hanging, I want this story to update, I want to know if I am gonna kick some ass in the future" Dinah said annoyed.

"What is that by the way?" I asked.

"I found this cool app called wattpad and I found a fanfiction about us, not really since you are the love interest of the hero character called the ninja, but in the sequel it says that I am gonna be her sidekick" she said and normani and camila burst out laughing,

"What so funny?" Dinah asked them.

"Wow Dinah Jane Hansen? Reading? Unbelievable" Camila said while laughing, I also laughed making me forget my problem.

"Hey, if you really read the story you'll be hooked immediately and Camila you're the cool version of camila here you know, you're gonna be with me kicking some bad guys asses" dinah told her.

"Really? I'm gonna read that book on wattpad, what's the title?" Camila asked

"The first book was your hero and the sequel book was your protector" dinah said.

"Oh got it, but why are you annoyed?" Ally asked,

"Because the freaking author haven't updated her story yet" dinah whined and we laughed at her.

"Uhm guys I need to tell you something" I said as I composed myself my facial expression turned to serious.

"What is it Lauren?" Ally asked with worry. The girls stared at me with worried facial expression too.

I sat down and told them what simon told me about.


'Sup ninjas? ^_^

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