Chapter 42

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Your POV

I didn't sleep, I am just cuddling Lauren, I am reminiscing the best moments that happened in this tour. The pranks, but I will make sure that I will come back for Lauren, I don't what mission is waiting for us at the headquarters.

I look at the clock at the night stand and it saids that its already five o'clock in the morning, whoa time flies really fast, I felt Lauren stir, I looked down at her and I can tell that she's awake already.

"Good morning" I greeted her.

"What's good in morning? The fact that you are leaving today" she said, her voice is so raspy and I smiled. I already predicted that she will be this grumpy when she wakes up.

"Well, you don't have to be this grumpy Laurybear, I promise that I will call you or face time everyday" I said and pinched her cheeks.

"Well its not enough for me though, I want you to be by my side always, and your profession is really dangerous and I'm worried about you" she said and my heart melted when she voiced out how concerned she was about me.

"Well you don't have to worry about me, I'm gonna be fine" I said.

"How many times did you get involve in a life and death situations?" She asked.

"Well, about a hundred times already, I've lost my counts" I said.

"How many times did you experienced dying?" Lauren asked.

"I don't know, I think twice or thrice?" I said.

"Well in that case, stay here with me" Lauren said while looking at me straight in the eye, her beautiful green eyes that got me the first time I stared into her eyes.

"You know, you're making it harder for me, you're tempting me to stay" I told her.

"I'm not tempting you, I'm convincing you to stay" she said

"Well I'm almost 'convinced' but that's not gonna work because if I stayed, I'm mot gonna be on your side because I will be in prison cell for violating military law and I will be kicked out of the military" I told her, she sighed.

"Fine" she said then looked away.

"Hey, hey look at me, hey" I said and I put my index finger and thumb on her chin and turned her head slowly, making her look at me, she did.

"I will take care of myself and I promise that I will come back to you in one piece, unless....." I said but drag the word unless.

"Unless what?" She looked at me with a frown on her beautiful face.

"Unless I've lost my leg or arm because of a grenade explosion" I said and laughed and she slapped my arm.

"Hey its not funny Y/LN" she said then she attempted to walk away but I held her waist.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry but I promise that I will come back for you, the boys and I will come back alive" I told her and she looked at me with all seriousness in her face.

"You promise?" She asked.

"Yes I promise, cross my heart" I said.

"I will hold on to that promise" she said and I smiled and kissed her forehead to seal that promise.

"Okay, it's only 5:30 am and are you willing to help me with something?" I asked her.

"Wait what are you up to?" She asked me confused I just pulled a mischievous smirk.

"Will you help me prank the prank queen?" I asked and she just rolled her eyes.

"You're wishing your early death" She said and I smiled.

"At least you're with me, will be both dead" I said and we laughed

"I can't see why not?" She said and I smiled.

I got up and get some whip cream and some marker. We both brushed our teeth first and changed into some joggers and hoodie, I gave my gray hoodie to Lauren, we went to the front office and ask them if we can have a spare keycard for the rest of the girls room, they looked at us with their eyebrows raised, they said that it was not allowed, but we made an alibi and we managed to convince them.

We entered the hotel room of Dinah and Camila, they seem like they are in a deep sleep, I smiled mischievously.

I gave the other marker to Lauren and told her to right anything on camila's face while I wrote on Dinah, I wrote "Y/N is the boss" in her forehead and drew a moustache and glasses. She stirred a little bit but she didn't wake up, phew! That was close

Lauren drew the same on Camila, we went to Normani and Ally's room and drew something on their faces too. I set the alarm to 6:00 am and I know that they will see what's on their faces when they go to the bathroom to brush or when they see each other's faces.

"We're mission accomplished, let's go back to our room and help me pack" I said and she nodded her head.

We packed my clothes but we are just finished when we heard a loud knock on our door and we heard four voices yelling our names.

"You Y/LN are so dead!" I heard Dinah's voice and Lauren and I just laughed.

Dinah's POV

I felt something cold on my face, I stirred but I just ignored it since I was too tired to check, I was back in my peaceful slumber until an alarm clock blared and interrupted my sleep, WTF! Who the heck set the alarm clock! As far as I remember I didn't set it earlier, I groggily sat up and turn off the annoying clock.

"Camila, did you set an alarm last night?" I asked she sat up from her bed also and yawned.

"No, I didn't" she said, when she faced me, I burst out laughing she looked at me confused, she was still sleepy.

"There's something on your face" I said then clutched my stomach because I can't stop laughing. Camila's eyes widened, there's a huge dot on her nose and there's three streak on both of her cheeks, like a cat.

Then it was my turn to get confuse when Camila laughed also.

"What?" I asked.

"Look at the mirror" she said and I quickly got up and ran to the bathroom, Camila went after and we both shriek when we saw our reflection. We quickly ran outside and we saw Ally and with drawings  on their faces also, we went to Y/N and Lauren's room and knocked.

"Y/N, I know you're in there, open the door!" I said

"Why are you so noisy this early in the morning?" Scott asked groggily but when he saw our faces he laughed.

"You Y/LN are so dead!" I said and we continued to knock and she opened the door with a silly string and Lauren has a whip cream, they sprayed it on us.

"Y/SN pranked us" Camila said.

"No way" I said.

"Looks like the prank queen gets pranked, two times already, first by lone survivors and second by Y/SN" I heard johnson said and we just laughed, it was a good laugh but it was so sad that they will go away so soon, I will miss them all.

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