Chapter 8

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Your POV

I felt someone was dragging me by my feet, I tried to open my eyes but it's really heavy, and I am a bit dizzy from that AK47 that was hit on my face, I can't feel my face, it feels numb, I think its swelling, I tried to stay conscious but my tired body doesn't let me, the darkness succumb into me again.

I jolt up awake when the cold water hit me gasping for air and coughing at the same time, I can see Scott, Clarke, Johnson and parker doing the same, our hands were tied on our backs, we don't have our gears with us anymore, we are just in our bloody inner shirt and camouflage pants, we are even bare footed. The freaking Isis our laughing at our helplessness, they are speaking a foreign language, probably mocking and insulting us, all I can understand was the word american then the rest nothing.

We are lying on our belly, I heard Parker muttered something.

"Fucking bastards" he said.

"Fucking bastards indeed" Johnson agreed. Then they forced us to kneel, and now we are on our knees, we glared at them, and the leader approached us, staring at us in disgust and then he smiled wickedly, said something and spit on us, the rest of their group cheered and he approached Clarke, then face to face with him, Clarke continued to glare at the leader, then Clarke spat on him, that pisses the leader off and then slapped Clarke hard, that's the last straw we tried to fight we charged at the leader, but the lack of number plus our hands are tied they pinned us down easily then start to beat us up. They punch and kick us like a punching bag, I feel the fresh blood dripping from my nose, I can literally taste it right now, while they are beating us they are laughing at us, enjoying our pain and helplessness. They beat us up until we pass out.

Lauren's POV

We just had finished recording our song everlasting love, and I can really relate to the song, while I am recording it the girls are giving me a teasing smile.

"Our Lolo can really relate to our song everlasting love isn't she?" Dinah said teasing me again,

"Oh shut up" I said rolling my eyes and drank my water.

"Oh come on Lauren, admit it you missed her and you want to see her so badly" Camila joined Dinah and Ally and Normani wiggled their eyebrows at me,

"Just shut up guys, okay I admit I missed her okay" I said annoyed and crossed my arms over my chest then walked out.

"Guys I think we're getting out of hand already" I heard ally said.

"Yeah I think that too" then Normani agreed to Ally.

Then they approached me,

"Lauren we apologized for teasing you too much, please forgive us" dinah said with an apologetic look, Ally, Normani and Camila has the same expression,

"Fine, but promise me one thing, no more teasing" I said,

"Yay! Thanks Lo" camila squealed, "group hug!" She screamed in excitement then we group hug,

"But Lo no promises, maybe we'll just limit the teasing" Dinah said and I smack her arm, she glared at me playfully then laughter filled the room.

Jerkins' POV

I've been walking for three days, with no food and water but I need to reach the base immediately because my team was counting on me.

But I am weakened by my wound I acquired last two days when I was chased by the other member of the Isis, i'm lucky enough that I managed to stay alive for three days without eating or drinking anything, I think i'm gonna pass out from dehydration and hunger.

"Jerkins you can do this, please don't pass out" I talked to myself.
I only have my 45 caliber pistol with remaining 5 bullets.

I saw a small creek and I never been so happy to see a creek in my entire life, I dove face first on the creek.

I drank the water until I quenched my thirst. Then I gasp for air and laugh like a lunatic.

Then a Syrian man approached me and I became alerted, I point my gun on him.

"Don't come near me" I said pointing my gun on him, but he keeps talking.

"Don't come near me, I'll shoot your fucking head" I said threatening him. But he keeps talking like he's calming me, he even throw his gun, I calmed down but keep my mind alert in case he did something stupid.

He helped me up and brought me into his village, the people are staring at me, I raised my gun and threaten the spectators, i'm getting paranoid thinking that this was just a trick.

We entered his house, he let me sat on the bed and people came, I kept my guard up, then I was surprised when the people attend my wounds, after they bandaged my wounds they give me something to eat. He give me a bread and bottled water that I hungrily ate and drank.

After I ate he let me rest, but I called him.

"You, do you know any American base near here?" I asked.

"Ah american base?" He asked me.

"Yes, american base" I said and I showed him the map.

"Ah, here" he said pointing the base.

"Yes, yes, yes, can you take me there?" I asked him.

He nodded, but he asked me to rest.

"No, you need to take me there, please" I pleaded, he thought it for a minute, then he nodded.

"Come" he said then he called a group of men with guns. We rode on a jeep,

"What's your name?" I asked him

He looked at me frowning,

"Name? My name is Steven" I said.

"S-te-ve-n" he said having a hard time to pronounce,

"Yes Steven, yours? What's your name?" I asked him

"Ali" he said simply.

"Nice to meet you ali" I said.

Then we reached the american base, the american soldiers became alerted and point their guns on us.

"No don't shoot, they are with me" I said they lower their guns but not their guards,

"Introduce yourself" one soldier said

"My name is Lt. Steven Jerkins and I am one of the navy seal that was sent for a surveillance mission" I said,

Then they let me enter together with ali, the rest of Ali's men was left outside.

They immediately called the main base on the US that they found one member of our squad, the paramedics attend my wounds,

"You need to rescue captain Y/LN and the rest" I said as I became lightheaded.

"We will Lt. get some rest now" one of the paramedics said, then I let the darkness succumb me knowing that I completed my mission, I didn't failed my friends.

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