Chapter 13

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Your POV

Two months passed and we recovered from our wounds and from the traumatic experience.

We undergo several tests, the physical therapy test, and we also went to see a psychiatrist and undergoes a psychological test, we have several sessions then when the psychiatrist said that we're okay the session stopped, during our psychological test, I thought of taking a break from the service and try some new things, I didn't tell this to the boys because I am still doubting.

Now my mind is fixed of taking a break from the service, just taking a break, I am not quitting, I will be back in the service if the duty calls.

We just finished our last session of our physical therapy, now we can walk without the help of crutches.

We are just hanging out now on the squads humvee, making fun of each other like nothing traumatic happened.

"Hey guys? Do you ever think about taking a break from the service?" I randomly asked.

"Why did you asked?" Scott asked me.

"Nothing, just asking all of you because after we are captured by the Isis, it crossed my mind multiple times, maybe i'm getting tired of violence, and I want to breathe a fresh new air" I said voicing out my opinion.

"Actually it crossed my mind, I want to take a break from holding violence and hearing gunshots" scott said.

"Me too, I really want to be a musician" Johnson said and I smiled.

"Eh? A musician? You can't even sing" parker said and laughed.

"I can't sing well but I know how to play the electric guitar" Johnson said.

"Really? Didn't know that one" I said and we laughed

"Uhmm guys I have a confession to make, about my secret talent, I know how to play the drums" Parker said sheepishly.

We laughed,

"Really? We never knew that" Johnson said

"You didn't asked idiot" Parker said and rolled his eyes.

"I can play the keyboard" Scott said.

"And I can play a guitar" Clarke said.

"And I can play the base guitar and violin" I said.

And we heard jerkins laughed, we looked at him.

"What's so funny Jerky?" Parker asked.

"First, don't call me that, and secondly are you forming a band or something? Because its sure like it" Jerkins said

"Very funny Jerkins" Clarke said rolling his eyes.

Then realization hit me.

"Wait guys, are you saying that you are planning to take a break from the service also?" I asked them.

"Yes, after what happened I really need to take a break to keep my mind off from the traumatizing event that happened" Clarke said.

"Yeah so what are you plans when you take a break guys?" I asked them.

"Me I am auditioning for becoming a musician" johnson said, Clarke, Jerkins and Parker just shrugged their shoulder.

Then an idea popped into my mind.

"Why not form a band then?" I suggested, and their faces light up.

"Why that's a great idea" Johnson said.

"Well I'll pass since I can't sing, I'll just be your #1 fan" jerkins said.

"KJ!" We yelled in unison. He laughed.

"Guys we need to go back to our barracks, we have an awarding ceremony to attend to" scott reminded us,

"Come on let's go back" I said.

When we arrive at our barracks, I took a shower and then changed into my white duck uniform (picture above), today we will receive our valor award for the bravery we shown to our fellow navy.

We went to the venue, and we are so Honored that President Barrack Obama pinned the award for us, I felt really proud of my team.

After the valor award was pinned on our chest, jerkins got a biggest surprise of his life, for the first time in five years he finally saw his daughter, he immediately ran and hugged the child, he cried in happiness, I saw what's coming ahead of Jerkins, he will start his own family, I am so happy for him.

"Hey guys meet my beautiful daughter Cassie" he said proudly.

After the party we asked permission to take a break from the service.

Thankfully they understood and let us take a break. But they make us promise that in times of distress and duty calls we are oblige to come back. We agreed and packed our bags.

We said our goodbyes to our friends in the service, to the officials then off we go,

Jerkins went with his family while me, scott, Parker, Clarke and johnson will live in one house since we are planning to form a band.

We arrive at the two-storey house that Scott and I bought,

We claimed our own rooms then settled in.

And then we met at the living room.

"Guys, since we are gonna be a band means we will sing, who's gonna be the lead singer?" I asked them.

"I suggest you Captain, you have a great voice" Clarke said, I scoffed,

"I don't" I said denying.

"Don't deny it captain, we heard you sing, when we are in the hands of the rebels you calmed us by singing a soothing song" Parker said.

"Fine, so what's our band name?" I asked them.

"How about the machine guns?" Parker suggested.

"No" I said.

"How about eagle squad?" Johnson asked and I shook my head.

"How about the lone survivors?" Scott suggested.

"That's genius, thanks bro, we will be officially called the lone survivors" I said this is going to be our new life for now.

This chapter is dedicated to Minni123 for sending me a wonderful message. Thank you very much :)

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