Men as a group, they're rather stupid

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Chapter 17

Though we adore men individually

We agree that as a group they're rather stupid!

~Sister Suffragette - Mary Poppins OST

"Dumbledore," I gasped when the scream finally died in my throat. My voice sounded raspy and unhealthy to my own ears.

Cooper gave me a weird look. "I think it would be wiser to go see Madam Pomfrey?"

I shook my head wildly. "No," I rasped, "I have to see Dumbledore. You don't understand."

"I'm starting to think nobody ever does," Cooper muttered under his breath. "You're quite well in the mental department, right? Normally, I mean?"

I gave him a frustrated look and wanted to bitch slap him with the whole freaking library. I was in no mood to made fun of, thank you very much. "If you don't plan on bringing me to Dumbledore, you can release me at once," I snarled. I'd find my own way to the Headmaster's office. It wasn't like I couldn't find my sodding way blind-folded after all!

Men. Honestly. I held my hand against my head and wondered how long it would take for that headache to disappear. Merlin, I hated Seeing.

Cooper seemed to be offended by my sudden mood swing. I wondered if he'd be all smiles if he had experienced the exact same thing I had just now. Something told me that he wouldn't deal with this half as elegantly as me. That seemed to make me feel better, at least. If only a little bit.

I pushed his hands away and got to my feet, if a little bit wobbly. I leaned against the wall for support and wondered if there was any shame in crawling to the Headmaster's office.

I looked at Cooper's retreating back and mentally shook my fist. So much for Hufflepuff loyalty and kindness, I thought angrily. I leaned against the wall some more and wondered if maybe I should just take a little nap. Just a little one, until my headache was gone and the sun was shining bright again.

Twelve hours at most, I promised myself, sliding down the wall to literally fall down on my ass on the floor.

I had just started nodding off when I heard laughter echoing through the halls. I was too tired to even open my eyes wide enough to see who was coming towards me.

After a few lazy minutes, my brain's Nimbus500 upgraded to a Nimbus1000. I could have sworn I had recognized Sirius' laugh. I forced my eyes open and blinked. There it was again. I tried to pull myself back on my feet, but just fell down again as if my legs had been made of yoghurt. Or was it jelly?

I frowned. Stupid brain.

"Nika?" I looked up when a figure knelt down next to me. "What happened, love? Are you alright?"

Did I look bloody alright? "Tired," I mumbled, letting my head fall on his shoulder. Apparently even sleepy me was always ready to touch handsome Sirius.

"I don't know, mate! What are you looking at me for? I didn't put her in this state," I heard a male voice sigh. "If I had she'd hardly be able to walk, now would she?"

"She's not walking, you idiot."



"Fine," I heard the second voice sigh.

"We can't carry her to the girl's dorm, lads," a third voice piped up.

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