Hold me in your arms

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We're halfway there, guys! I just realized that this story has 62 chapters and an epilogue. Phew. Hope you enjoy this one, and let me know who you think the person is who sent that note!

Chapter 33

I was made to keep your body warm

But I'm cold as, the wind blows

So hold me in your arms.

~ Kiss Me - Ed Sheeran

Breakfast the next morning was a real test for my self-restraint. Sirius was sitting only a couple of seats away from me, and he didn't look my way once.

That was what I wanted, I told myself. After all, hadn't I just told him last night that I didn't want to be romantically associated with him in public? Right. Okay. I could do this. I could.

Lily wasn't really happy with the Marauders sitting so close either. James would give her quick glances, and he didn't give a rat's ass about being subtle about it. Girls around us were starting to giggle and Lily's face was beet red.

"Just ignore them," I told her compassionately.

Lily bit her lip and stared at her plate forcefully, as if the plate was the cause of all evil in the world. She grabbed her sandwich a little too forcefully as she took a bite out of it.

The girls' giggling increased.

"Do you mind?" she asked finally, giving them an angry glare.

"Not at all," Annabelle grinned. "So what's the deal with you and Sirius anyway?" she asked, turning to me.

"Don't know him," I replied flippantly, seeing the subject of our conversation smile from the corner of my eye.

"Suuure," Annabelle's best friend, Kyra, drawled. "Because you two weren't joined at the hip for over two weeks."

"Oh that Sirius, silly me," I said, giving them a smile that I didn't feel at all. I turned back to Lily and saw her roll her eyes as well.

"Well," Annabelle prodded. "Did you ever get to kiss him?"

I blinked as I stared at her emptily. "What, now?" I asked, making Lily burst out in laughter. She quickly caught herself though and schooled her face back into a scowl.

I shook my head at her, which only made the corners of her mouth quirk again. I made sure not to look at the boys though and couldn't believe I found myself in this situation. Like at all. I tried to imagine what I would have said before if anyone asked me that question, you know pre-Sirius, but I couldn't come up with an answer. It just seemed ridiculous that anyone would be interested in my love life like that.

Annabelle gave me a look. "Are you mentally deficient?"

"Are you?" I asked her, blinking again for good measure. I didn't look at Lily who started laughing again.

With a huff and an annoyed roll of her eyes, Annabelle seemed to give up on me and turned back to her friends.

I shook my head and tried to enjoy my breakfast further, when the unthinkable happened. An owl landed elegantly next to my plate and it carried a letter with my name written in elegant letters on it.

I stared at it, transfixed, for several minutes, before the owl gently nipped my fingers. I petted it as I relieved it of its burden.

"That's a school owl," Lily observed, making me frown even more although anticipation rose in me. Was it from Sirius?

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