Fix you

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I'm baaaaaack! The last two weeks have been HECTIC. Phew. But I have returned with not only a new chapter for Barking Mad (you guys have been so sweet with all your votes and comments ♥), but also with a brand new, original story. So maybe check that out if you like my writing style? 

I hope you enjoy this one, guys!!

Chapter 43

When the tears come streaming down your face

When you lose something you can't replace

When you lvoe someone but it goes to waste

Could it be worse?

~ Fix You - Coldplay

Sirius Black was missing.

"What do you mean?" I asked James incredulously, wondering if this was some sort of misplaced joke. I mean, we were still fighting, right?

"I mean that we cannot find him, Nika," James snarled impatiently.

Lily looked up from her potions book and gave him a filthy look. "Do you mind talking a bit kinder to my friend there, Potter?" she said in quite the same tone he had just used on me.

James barely even glanced at her, which made her frown.

"Besides," she continued stubbornly, "we are in a library. Lower your voice."

James did look at her right then and there and scowled. "I don't give a damn about the library right now, Lily."

Lily opened her mouth in self-righteous indignation, but I quickly stepped in before they could start a library brawl and I'd have another capitalized event to write down about in my non-existent diary. "I've noticed that he wasn't in class today," I allowed. Dumbledore had called a meeting after dinner last night and I would be lying if I said that I hadn't been worried about Sirius as well. I had just assumed that we were back to fighting and that he didn't want to share his grief with me. Not that I would have deserved to share it with him anyway. I figured that if he wanted to deal with this on his own, then that was his right.

Now here James was, looking worried and acting completely out of sorts. He had barely given Lily a loving glance and the only words he had spoken to her thus far had been clipped and devoid of any adoration. This wasn't the James I knew and if he was this worried about Sirius then something really must have gone wrong.

"We haven't seen him since dinner."

My heart stopped for a second and I forgot all about this limbo the Marauders and I were currently residing in. I put aside my issues with Sirius and his chauvinist behaviour and stood up. "You have no idea where he is?"

James gave me a duh-look. "As if I'd come looking for you otherwise, Nika," he spat.

That stung.

"Hey now," Lily started angrily. "She did nothing wrong-"

James intervened and shook his head rapidly. "I'm sorry," he muttered. "I need to find him and I have no idea where to look anymore. We checked all our usual hideouts but he isn't in any of them. We even went to Hogsmeade but Rosmerta hasn't seen him either. Please, Nika, please help."

I was a bit dumbfounded that James thought he had to actually plead to get me to help him find the love of my life, who was undoubtedly hurting over a loss he suffered. I was already packing my bag when Lily gave a sigh.

Barking Mad (Sirius/OC)Where stories live. Discover now