Crazy little thing called love

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Chapter 57

It shakes all over like a jelly fish, I kind of like it

Crazy little thing called love.

~ Crazy Little Thing Called Love - Queen

I was still a tad shocked by what I had started last night. Pleased but shocked. Sirius helped me escape in the middle of the night and how his friends hadn't noticed the clothes lying scattered around Sirius' bed dumbfounded me. Granted, the whole room had clothes scattered about, but still.

Lily had been vast asleep when I entered our dormitory. The only one who'd been semi-awake had been Emily and she just muttered a faint "goodnight".

When I got down the next morning for breakfast, I found Remus sitting on the couch. I hesitated for a moment before I went to sit beside him.

"Good morning," I smiled. I tried not to let it show how bad I thought he looked. He looked grey, which could never be a good sign for a teenager and had gigantic blue circles under his eyes. Was it a full moon tonight already? I'd been so caught up in, well, everything that I had completely missed that somehow.

Remus studied me for a second with his knowing gaze and then nodded. "Morning. You're up early?"

"I couldn't sleep."

"Waking up before Lily Evans has got to be near impossible, however did you manage it?" he teased me.

I had no idea that Lily's early mornings were as famous as they apparently were. "Oh, she's up," I said vaguely, "I just told her that I was incredibly hungry as she was fixing her hair."

Remus raised an eyebrow, but didn't reply.

I waited for a couple of seconds but when it became more than clear that Remus wasn't going to elaborate, I decided to use his own words against him. "You're up early, too. Headaches again?"

"That, and I couldn't sleep," he replied with a twinkle in his eyes. "Peter kept mumbling about Anabelle in his sleep."

I snapped my fingers at the mention of Peter's first love. "How did it go?"

Remus sighed. "I was hoping that maybe you could talk to him about it? He refused to say anything, and it's not like Peter's actually that good at keeping secrets."

"I'd say he's pretty darn good," I mumbled.

Remus frowned. "Why's that?"

I gave him a pointed look, before I patted his arm gently. "You should go back to bed, Remus."

He closed his eyes, and he looked so positively devastated when the realisation dawned that I knew I felt bad for bringing it up at all. "You know," he whispered. He let his head hang and his Adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed down his dread.

I left my place on the couch and crouched down before him as I took both of his hands in mine. "I know," I agreed.

"So Sirius-"

I gave him a stern look and squeezed his hands urgently. "Sirius would never betray you like that," I reprimanded. "He doesn't even know that I know."

"How did you find out then?" Remus inquired as he studied our hands.

It broke my heart that he refused to look at me.

"Lily kept looking at the calendar and sigh on days you were sick," I started. "Then there was the Animagus thing, the fact that Sirius usually has detention for being out of bed after hours on days around the full moon-"

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